Chapter 11

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TW: Mentions Emotionally abusive relationships. 

Emotionally abusive relationships can been just as damaging as physically abusive relationships. If you need help please seek it out. The number for the National Domestic Violence Hotline is listed below. 1−800−799−7233

Things had once again calmed down when Patton went back to work. The four of them had fallen back into their comfortable routine. Patton went back to cooking most days, and Virgil insisted they set up a chore chart for everything else since Patton was already doing so much for the house. That being done, it was Virgil's day to do the dishes and clean the kitchen after dinner. He wasn't looking forward to it.

"We have discussed this before. I no longer belong to you, and you no longer have the right to a connection with me. Cease and desist, or I will be forced to get authorities involved." There was only one person Virgil knew who spoke like that. Sure enough, as he rounded the corner, he saw Logan talking to another man. Something was obviously wrong. Immediately, the man's stance made Virgil uncomfortable. Logan looked defensive and the other man, who was shorter than Logan, stalked towards him. It probably didn't help that Virgil had never seen Logan this riled up.

"Lo-lo" The other man cooed. "I'm just worried about you." He reached out, gently running a hand over Logan's face. His hand was quickly slapped away. "You always were so cold when I tried to show you affection." He grabbed Logan's tie and pulled him down to whisper in his ear. This wasn't right, all of the warning bells were going off in Virgil's Head, but his feet were screwed to the ground.

Logan yanked back but was caught but the tight grip on his tie. "I am not giving you any further sway on my emotions and my life." His voice dropped to a cold and icy tone that sent a shiver ran up Virgil's spine. At this point, he was afraid of Logan, but he realized three fundamental truths. Logan was his friend and didn't deserve this treatment. Logan's fists were balled as if he was ready to start a fight. Logan didn't have to fight alone anymore. Virgil forced his feet forward.

"Logan, someone you know?" That sounded stupid, but he had to make his presence known.

"An acquaintance from college, but he was just leaving." Logan yanked his tie out of the shorter man's hands.

For just a moment, this new person's eyes filled with anger. He was quick to compose himself. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. After taking a moment to compose himself, he almost appeared kind. "Pleasure to meet a friend of Logan's, I'm Lewis." He held out a hand.

Virgil shook it, but he knew a liar when he saw one.

"You don't have to be so mean with your introduction, Lo-Lo. We were friends once. I was hoping we could be friends again." He shrugged, "I'll leave you for now. I wish you wouldn't be so cold, but I love you for it, and we deserve each other." Lewis gave Virgil a soft smile before turning and leaving.

The silence between them was thick until Lewis was out of sight. Virgil finally turned to Logan, who had an unreadable expression on his face. "Man, that guy is an asshole."

Silence. Had he said the wrong thing? Was that not helpful?

Logan chuckled weakly. "Yeah, He is." His smile didn't reach his eyes, but it was a step in the right direction.

"Let me text Patton, we can go for a walk."

"Virgil, I do not have the particular energy to discuss this."

"You don't have to, and I'm not going to push you, but going for a walk helps," Virgil said, adjusting his bag and pulling out his phone. He texted Patton quickly and led Logan off towards the park, the opposite direction where Lewis had gone.

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