Chapter 18

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Trigger Warnings: Emotional Manipulation, Self-Harm

Dee was leaning against the theater wall. He watched and waited as Lewis walked Roman to the sidewalk, forcing a kiss onto the taller man's check. It was a disgusting display of affection but Roman smiled weakly at it before walking away. Lewis turned towards the parking lot, finally seeing Dee there. "Lewis, wasn't it?" He pushed himself off the wall.

"Yes, Dee right?" There was a look of skepticism in his eye.

"You can call me Dee if you want, but my real name is Declan." He lied, holding out his hand, "I think we started off on the wrong foot."

"Is that so?" Lewis shook Dee's hand. "And you wanted to apologize so much that you waited alone, in a dark part of town, to talk to me. I feel like I'm being threatened."

"Sorry, I just didn't know anything about your schedule other than play practice, and figured you didn't want me around your boyfriend." He raised his hands in defense.

Lewis narrowed his eyes. "Okay, but that still puts someone like you in a bit of danger." Said the Five-one short stake to the five-eight skinny bean. Who did this guy think he was? "say I believed you did come to apologize, why not wait inside. What are you playing at?"

He began walking and Dee followed slowly. The fact that he had asked a question was an invitation. "Like I said, I figured you didn't want me around your boyfriend, and unlike some people, I respect that. I'm a bit overprotective of my brother, and he is currently living with three other people. It's not safe for him, so if your intention is to date and take away one of them, I'm all for helping you." Dee slid his hands in his pockets. "I understand wanting to protect what's yours."

"You are lying."

"Why would I?"

"You walked Roman away from me,"

"You seemed like you needed to talk to Patton." The two walked in silence for a while, "Look, you don't have to believe me. I just wanted to apologize. I know I came off as a bit harsh, and that wasn't my intention." Act submissive, make him feel like he has power. "I just felt really bad. I could tell I made you angry."

Lewis smirked, "Well, I appreciate the apology, and if you could convince Patton to stay away for a while that would be helpful, maybe get him and your brother to miss the play." He wanted Logan there though.

"Just those two? There is another roommate. Should I find a way to keep him away?" He kept his voice gentle. He didn't want it to seem like he was insinuating anything.

"No!" Lewis said a bit too quickly. That was interesting. There was something about Logan. Lewis knew about him, was this the ex that Virgil was talking about. That would explain why Lewis didn't want Virgil around. He had to dig deeper, but he had to be careful.

"Okay, I will try to find a way to get Patton and Virgil to not come, but I will make sure Logan is there."

Dee watched as his shoulders relaxed. "Good, I think we could be good friends Declan." Logan definitely made him have a reaction.

"Maybe I will play it off like a date." He said softly. "Logan is rather handsome."

Lewis' shoulders tensed. "I don't think that is a good idea. I've heard rumor. He isn't good boyfriend material."

"Is that what you've heard? Well maybe not then." Dee knew that Lewis had a connection to Logan. If he was both Logan's ex and Roman's current problem, he really could take care of two birds with one stone. Now there was an idea. No, he had promised Virgil he would be safe and careful. Lewis waved Dee off. Their conversation was done, and Lewis didn't want Dee following him home.

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