Chapter 2

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Roman spent most of the day cleaning the house, and dancing around to Disney music. It was only when he finished, flopping down on the couch, that he stopped to think about the night before. Had he been too hard on Logan? He always strived to be as kind and courageous as the princes in movies and fairytales, but he wasn't very prince-like last night. His didn't intend to hurt Logan, but he had just been so frustrated. Roman had been working so hard for his auditions. It was already hard enough trying to get a part in any stage production, much less one that would work with his schedule. He had just been so heart broken when he thought he might have failed the audition. After explaining his frustration Logan didn't help or console him. The words from last night still hung in Roman's head. 'With the number of auditions, you have attended recently, it is simple mathematics that you were bound to do poorly on one of them.' That was not what he needed to hear at a time like that. Even thinking about it now made his blood boil again. Roman stood, ready to get his frustration's out when Virgil's words came back to him.'If you think Logan is trying to trash your dreams you don't understand him.'Was he misunderstanding Logan, or did Virgil just give the calculator watch too much credit? Virgil and Roman didn't really get along very well, but he also wasn't one to sugar coat anything.

At some point his playlist ran out and the house filled with silence. Even still, he barely noticed when he heard the front door open and close. Roman had spent the last of his free time just thinking about his relationship with his roommates. He noticed when a figure start walking past him and snapped out of his thoughts completely. "Ah, just the person I needed to talk to."

Logan's eyebrow raised, his messenger bag half way off his shoulder as he looked at Roman. "What did you wish to discuss?"

"I wanted to apologize for last night. I shouldn't have lashed out like I did."

Logan continued to take off his bag and hold it by the handle strap. "As I am sure you can recall from this morning it does not bother me. There was truth within your words and-"

"Yes, but that doesn't give me the right to say them. I don't understand why you said what you said but I should have told you how it made me feel before blowing up."

He didn't like being interrupted, but that was no reason to get angry. Logan was being forced to explain himself when he had been perfectly articulate earlier. "I am not sure what part of my statement from last night was unclear, however, I am assuming from your reaction last night, as well as this discussion, that my connotation my not have come across properly." Logan force his voice to stay in one tone. He did not want people to assume his words had a different meaning than what he was saying. "Roman, you work very hard in pursuing the things that you enjoy and are good at. You have attended many auditions in the pursuit of your dream. This, in and of itself, brings a high mathematical probability that at least one of these auditions will not meet up to the standards you have set for yourself. I reiterate though, this is one or two outlier performances in a plethora of otherwise stellar performances. The amount of time and effort you put into these auditions is proof that you have the drive to make your dreams succeed. I do not understand why one audition should get in your way of your confidence."

Roman watched Logan, attempting to process half of the things the nerd had said. "You really suck at emotions, don't you?" A smile grew on his face, "But thanks, I kind of get it. In your own way you were trying to tell me that there will always be another audition." Logan blinked.

"Well, yes, that is one way of looking at it."

Roman patted Logan on the shoulder, not noticing as the taller man flinched as he turned to head to his room. "Thanks, I am going to go prepare for my next audition." Roman seemed to be in higher spirits, and his anger had dissipated. He had some weird roommates, but if even the nerd could see how awesome he was then maybe things were looking up.

Logan watched Roman walk off before he turned and went into his bedroom, slumping against the walls. Explaining himself was exhausting. He always did his best to be concise and precise, how was it that people still misunderstood his intentions. Pushing up his glasses he rubbed his eyes, forcing his body to relax against the cold wall. At least he would now have the peace and quiet of the house to enjoy.

"I'm home kiddos." He could hear Patton shouting, "And I found a wild Virgil." Logan just shook his head and headed to his desk chair. Peace would not be achieved tonight. Logan had brought home some things he hadn't been able to finish at work. He had been hoping he would have the quiet house for a bit longer as he worked, but that wasn't going to be possible now. Maybe he would skip dinner. That wouldn't be possible. Patton would not allow him to skip out on a meal. Although he and Patton were about the same age, Patton had taken on the role of the parental figure in the house. He made told bad jokes all day, laughed loud enough light up the neighbors and was just a genuinely caring person. Logan looked down at his hands before sighing and going back to his work, barely listening to Patton and Virgil in the kitchen.

"Hey Pat, do you want help cooking Dinner?" Virgil asked, shoving his hands into his dark Jeans.

"Now you know I will never say no to your help Kiddo. Even if it's just because you want to make sure everything is done safely." Virgil shrugged at the comment.

"That's part of it, but I like chilling with you." He would never admit it, but it was nice to have a father figure, even if Patton was only two years older than him.

"Chilling with me? Have I become cool?" He asked with a mischievous smile, "because I have been eating a lot of Popsicles." He emphasized the word pop.

Virgil almost snorted, hiding his smile behind the sleeve of his hoodie. Patton's eyes sparkled with happiness when he heard Virgil chuckle.

"You like my dad jokes."

"Yeah, so what, their pretty funny." Blushing he rubbed the back of his neck. "Now what are we making?"

Logan shook his head, rubbing the slight smile off of his face. That had not been funny.

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