Meeting My New Siblings

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Percy's P.O.V

I know I always hoped for some siblings to share a cabin with, but I didn't expect any to actually come.

And not only one. There were two of them.

It's been two weeks after the Second Giant War, I was walking through the woods, killing any monster that got in my way, when I heard a scream for help coming from the direction of Thalia's Pine.

I immediately ran in the direction of the sound and found two kids, a boy and a girl, running from five hellhounds. Five. I immediately got to work, I charged in and started hacking at the hellhounds relentlessly, I tossed a dagger to the boy, since he looked less hurt, and screamed at him to help. He let the dagger fall to the ground and cowered away, but what the girl did was beyond belief.

I had taken down three of them before another one pounced on me and knocked my sword out of reach, the last two bared its fangs down at me, just as I thought it was over, the girl raised her arms and a massive wave came crashing in, all the way from the lake, which was in the middle of camp whilst we were at the border. Needless to say, I didn't have to worry about becoming hellhound feed anymore. 

The effort, however, to create the wave, made the girl faint, either she didn't want me getting hurt, or she was under too much pressure. I went ahead and assumed it was the latter. The boy was nearly in tears, he kept hugging me, and repeatedly saying: "Thank you, thank you."Chiron galloped up to me and immediately asked the kids (Kid, actually, one of them is comatose) who they were. "I'm Nicholas Jamison, you can call me Nick, and this is my survival buddy, Faith Palmer."

It was after he said those words when my father decided to claim them. A trident appeared above both Nick's and Faith's heads. Faith's parentage was confirmed when she manipulated water, but I was surprised when a trident appeared above Nick's head as well. He looked up and said: "Let me rephrase that, my name is Nicholas Jamison, son of Poseidon, you can call me Nick, this here is my sister, Faith Palmer, daughter of Poseidon."

Chiron's eyes widened, and everyone bowed down to them. "Hail, Nicholas Jamison and Faith Palmer, children of Poseidon."

Nick was quite short, if he stood at full height, the top of his head would only reach my nose, Faith was much, much, shorter, the top of her head barely reached my chin. 

Nick's eyes, unlike mine, were bright blue, like the ocean. His hair, on the other hand, was very similar to mine, black hair, but they were in a different hairstyle, whilst my hair was flowing towards one side of my face but with several tiny spikes, Nick's hair was more smooth, but was also flowing towards one side of his head, and whilst the top of his head had quite a lot of long hair, the hair on the sides of his head are short as FUCK. It was like the sides of his head were done by one hairdresser, and the top was done by another. His skin tone was quite light, it was like he was half white and half Asian.

Faith, however, had heterochromia, her left eye was like Nick's, ocean blue, but her right eye was like mine, sea green. Her brown hair was long and wavy, and I'd be lying if I said she didn't look pretty. Her skin tone was similar to Piper's, however, it was slightly lighter than Piper's skin color, and I would know, Piper is kneeling right in front of her, checking for injuries. I wouldn't be surprised if Faith's mother was Cherokee.

I looked at my newfound siblings, amazed at my luck, I had wished for siblings, and now I have them. I walked towards Nick and said, 

"Hey, Nick, right?" He nodded with fear in his eyes, "Nice to meet you, I'm Perseus Jackson, you can call me Percy." I stuck my hand out, he shook it, obviously relieved that I wasn't going to hurt him. 

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