The Containment of The Seven Sins

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Jason's P.O.V

"Reyna! I know you're still in there! Stop it! You're better than this!" I yelled at the red-eyed Reyna, trying to get her to stop.

"Heh. You think... just by talking, you can bring her back?" Wrath asked. "You IDIOT!"

"You can fight back against her! I know you can!" I kept yelling.

Suddenly, Leadership took over.

"Dude, what are you doing?" I asked.

'Helping you. Duh. Just shut up and watch.'

He started speaking to Wrath through my body.

"Heya, pal. Remember me?" He asked.

Wrath suddenly hissed and retracted her blade.

"You." She growled.

"Me." Was all he said before laughing, then he turned serious, "So let me ask you a question. Why are you doing this?" 

"Why am I doing this? Why am I doing this?! You know the answer, friend." She snarled.

"Things are not what you think." He said, "You're not thinking straight."

"I'm not thinking straight? You're not thinking straight! Do you really think, after all this time, I would just forget that you left me for dead?!" She screamed.

"That was a misunderstanding! Your body disappeared before I got a chance to carry it back home! You know that you woke up in a solitary space! If I left you for dead, you'd be dead!" He yelled.

"Really?! How did my body disappear?!" Wrath screamed again.

"A pit opened up underneath it and swallowed it whole, you fell all the way to Tartarus!" He yelled.

I had enough. Through the screaming and yelling, our two bodies drew closer together, I suddenly snatched back control of my body and slammed my palm on Reyna's back.

A red glow suddenly surrounded her and she returned back to normal, a red glow suddenly emitted from her back, and I realized that the seal is where I placed my hand on her body.

Leo's P.O.V

"We meet again. Envy." I said.

"Leo Valdez." Was all he said.

"Welp. Sorry, can't let you go now. I'm afraid I'm gonna have to seal you away." I said.

Then I trapped him in a burning hot cage of flames.

I walked through the bars and laid my hand on his chest.

"You're done." I said.

A green glow surrounded Timothy, and he returned to normal, a green glow was emitting from his chest.

Piper's P.O.V

"Lust. Stop resisting." I commanded, using my enhanced charmspeak, but Drew also knew how to charmspeak, so it had no effect, although she did pause for a moment.

"What... impossible, the host I chose is resistant to charmspeak, why did I still suffer the effects of it?" Lust wondered.

"Thanks to your sister, Compassion, my charmspeak can command even inanimate objects, so even if your host can resist charmspeak, I can still control her." I explained.

"You... You bastard!" She screamed, and charged towards me.

"Stop!" I barked out, issuing a command that forced her to stop.

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