The Seal of Wrath and Meeting Leadership

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Jason's P.O.V

We are now searching the tomb of the emperor who liked to kill. Who, you ask? The Tyrant. Tarquin.

We found our way in, as the prophecy said, it can be found deep in here. 

We've had to fight off some kind of... zombies, but... not your generic zombies. They don't bite, and instead of their teeth being infectious, it's their claws.

So far, none of us have been scratched, but we keep getting jumped by them, I wouldn't be surprised if one of us end up getting scratched.

Eventually, though, it had to happen. We were jumped by them again, but this time, we didn't kill them fast enough, and one of them scratched Clovis on the forearm.

We still need him to find the Seal of Sloth, so he can't die just yet, only until after we've found it is he allowed to die.

I cut down the zombie that scratched him, and told him to wrap a bandage firmly around his elbow, that will slow down the infection, hopefully enough to last us until we find medical assistance.

Just in case, we also wrapped bandages on his shoulder and biceps, just to slow it down even more.

The scratch is beginning to turn purple and grey, the shade of the living dead. We watched in horror as the veins around the scratch began to darken and turn purple.

I had hoped that the bandages would slow down the infection just like it slows down snake poison, but it doesn't seem to be slowing down. 

Then again, it's taking quite a long time to move, so we should be fine, as long as we seek out the Seal of Sloth next, we should be fine.

We trudged further into the tomb. Suddenly, I heard voices in my head. The further we went, the louder they became. Suddenly, the voices exploded.

'The embodiment of Wrath has already been chosen, hurry, hero.'

'Time grows short, hurry, find the seal, only you can seal Wrath away.'

'You are the chosen one, the Spirit of Leadership dwells within you.'

I clutched my head in pain, the voices are so loud that I couldn't catch more than a few words, my head feels like it's splitting apart.

I fell to one knee, Leo knelt in front of me, waving a hand in front of my face, shouting something that I couldn't hear.

I was screaming, yelling at the voices to get out of my head. The pain was so intense that I summoned a lightning bolt that struck me through the cavern roof.

The voices stopped. I was kneeling in a crater that the lightning bolt made, my friends were all at the edge of the crater, Leo and Piper jumped down and Leo put a hand on my shoulder, but doing that made him jump.

"Jason, are you okay? What was that back there? You just fell to your knees and screamed, the next thing I knew, a lightning bolt struck you and threw the rest of us back." Piper asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine now, the voices are gone." I suddenly felt a stinging sensation in my right palm, I looked down, and I saw a mark beneath me.

I'm assuming this is the Seal of Wrath, and my hand is absorbing the seal. Soon, the stinging faded, and I looked at my hand. Sure enough, an identical mark is now on my palm. It was red, and looked very evil, but then...

'Fear not, young hero, I am the Spirit of Leadership, the being created to put a stop to Wrath. You show promise, hero, many have tried and failed, but you, you have what it takes.' A voice spoke in the back of my mind.

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