The Blade of Winter

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Silver's P.O.V

Trudging back down to Tartarus, I made sure from Hades that he would send me back to the world above when I give him the signal.

I remember the first time I was down here, with Annabitch.

Honestly, though, at least I was actually with someone that time. Being alone down here could cause me to become insane if I was still a demigod.

Well, I'm glad that I was blessed by Hades, since his blessing allows me to withstand the toxic air in Tartarus, but even Hades has his limits.

I have to this this quickly, and that means I can't stop to take a break.

I bolted through the whole of the underground, looking for anything that even remotely resembles a sword.

I just don't get it, why would there be a blade of Winter down in Tartarus? This place is literally hell, for fuck's sake!

I foraged around the River Phlegethon, looking for anything that may be a possibility.

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw something flashing.

I looked towards the source of the light, but it suddenly disappeared.

I blinked my eyes, and it appeared again, however, the wavelengths are so high that it seems invisible to me.

Could this be? Is this the mythical Winter Fire? Fire that is colder than liquid nitrogen but burns with more energy than the sun? 

If that's it, then it may be highly likely that the Blade of Winter is nearby!

I ran in the general direction of the flames, hoping that I don't accidentally run into the flames.

When I got closer, I saw a metallic silver glow, on closer inspection, I realized it was a hilt without a blade, when I got closer, flames suddenly roared up from in front of me, I looked around, and realized that this is a maze of fire, one mistake could mean my death.

Slowly, I navigated my way through the maze of invisible flames, tenderly reaching out in front of me to test the space in front. I was burnt on several occasions, my fingers would often come away steaming and red, it's so cold that it feels hotter than fire.

At one point my fingers received severe third-degree burns, but I was eventually able to make it to the centre of the maze, where the hilt was.

I picked it up, and swung it around, testing its weight. Suddenly, Winter Flames suddenly burst from the hilt, creating a blade of fire, I tried to shut it off, and I felt the flames disappear.

This will be a very useful tool for off-guard take-downs, but I can't relax now.

I ran back to the River Phlegethon, looking for a way out, I had to cut down several monsters that were heading my way.

I was just nearing the House of Nyx when I suddenly felt dizzy, shit, I need to hurry.

I need to go to the place the Doors of Death were last time I was down here for Hades to be able to extract me since that's the only place in Tartarus that he knows the exact location of, sadly, I need to get through the House of Nyx again.

I doubt that she'd be too happy to see me this time.

I entered the House of Nyx, and I charged through it, this time, I managed to clear it without needing to distract Nyx, I ran out of the castle and jumped the moat. I ran on ahead, as I understand it, there should be several monsters up ahead, so I got the Blade of Winter at the ready and unleashed its flames.

I kept running, slashing and hacking at any monster that was stupid enough to approach me.

When I got the field, I shot off a black flare gun that Hades gave me to alert him that I'm in position, but he warned me that the process will take ten minutes, so I'll have to defend myself from the approaching monsters.

Dammit, it seems the black flare gun also attracted monsters to my position, I sighed and readied my sword for ten minutes of absolute heaven.

The first wave of monsters approached and I blitzed through them, either cutting them down or lighting them on fire, I cast my hand in the general direction of the River Acheron, and pulled the contents of the water towards me.

Surrounding myself in a layer of pain, literally, I charged through the ranks of the monsters, the monsters that got too close disintegrated from the Acheron water around me.

I cut down the monsters that survived.

After a while, I heard Hades' voice in my head, 'Be prepared, picking you up in three...' I let the water skin explode, destroying the monsters closest to me, 'Two...' I jumped back from the remaining monsters, 'One...' I deactivated my sword, 'Zero!'

I felt the darkness envelop me, and before I knew it, I was in Hades' Palace.

"Well, I'd say you did well defending yourself against the monsters, considering they were coming in waves and were basically unkillable down there." Hades said from beside me.

"Hey Uncle H." I raised my hand.

"You might want to go back to the surface now, Tartarus knows that you retrieved the Blade of Winter, so he's doing everything in his power to ensure the other three weapons remain undisturbed." Hades said, then flashed me back to the surface, I took off running towards Camp Half-Blood, not because I didn't care about my friends, it's that I have faith that they would be able to retrieve the weapons without my help.

When I arrived back at camp, I noticed the camp was missing five people.

Nathan Wu, presumably, as the embodiment of Greed.

Drew Tanaka, probably as the embodiment of Lust.

Reyna, most likely as the embodiment of Wrath.

Dakota, probably the embodiment of Gluttony.

And another one, Drake Dreamer, son of Hypnos, the laziest demigod at our camp, need I say more?

Well fuck. All Seven Deadly Sins have chosen their host.

Hopefully the seven could retrieve the seals, just as that thought crossed my mind, I noticed seven people walking up to the borders.

I immediately ran up to greet them.

A/N: Hey! I might leave this story here for a while, the updates will definitely come a bit slower, since I'm going to an 8 week camp for school, I can still update, so no worries about that, it's just that I'll have to work much faster.

I'm honestly more passionate about A Greek Ninja, I think I'll hurry it up and finish the last chapters of Part II and move onto the New Era. I'll still update this one, obviously, but this one will be finished soon, the other one isn't.

Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow. Peace out, everybody, goodbye.

Shadowflame 95, signing out

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