Go To Tartarus, Tartarus! Oh. Wait...

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Silver's P.O.V

Tartarus clashed against us, and I had to grip the joysticks with all my strength to keep Tartarus from getting any closer.

Nick also pitched in to help with the effort, magically creating a glowing golden spear in the mech's hand, and stabbing it through Tartarus' shoulder.

He yelled in pain and anger, and lashed out with tendrils of pure darkness.

Thalia took control and vaulted us backwards, away from the black tendrils.

Then, I had a brilliant idea.

"Lily! Prepare the cannons on the upper set of arms!" I yelled into our mind link. 

"Okay!" She replied.

Aiming the arms at Tartarus, Lily fired the cannons, they struck him in the forehead, and knocked him onto his back.

"You little bastards!" He roared, and shot a ball of darkness at us.

I attempted to block it, but it exploded and left a smoking hole in the mech's arm where it hit.

Then, the hole patched itself up.

Huh. Okay.

"Thalia, jump over his head. I'll cut his head off." I said through our mind link.

"Got it."

Thalia vaulted the mech on the spear and was launched over Tartarus, I summoned glowing red swords in the mech's hands and attempted to decapitate Tartarus, sadly, he suddenly received a burst of speed and dropped on all fours, then hitting the mech with a donkey kick. 

Our mech sailed all the way down to the beach and landed with a hard crunch on the sand.

We got up and rushed back to Tartarus, afraid that if we leave his line of sight, he'd think us defeated and go after the campers.

Tartarus only smirked at us, and sent more black tendrils lashing out at us. Thalia was trying to dodge them all, but those tendrils have insane reach, the best we can do is block them.

"Lily, snipe him with the turret on the right shoulder." I ordered.


The turret began shooting celestial bronze bullets at Tartarus, distracting him and forcing him to withdraw the black tendrils.

The mech wasn't looking too hot, there was damage in our left leg, upper right arm, lower left arm, torso, and severe damage in Thalia's cockpit.

"Thalia, are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but the cockpit is trashed, there are a lot of scratches on this thing, but I can still somewhat see." she exhaled audibly through the mind link.

"Good, I was worried when I saw the damage report." I sighed in relief.

"Aaawww." Lily cooed.

"Lily, shut up." Thalia grumbled.

I buried my face in my palm. Or at least my mask.

"No time to argue, he's coming at us again!" Nick yelled, sounding like he's on the verge of a panic attack.

I got the top arms ready again, swords drawn, Nick drew his golden spear, Lily readied all the firepower on the mech, and Thalia prepared to maneuver us through his attacks.

The automatic repair system of the mech just kicked in, so now the damage isn't as bad.

Tartarus drew a pure black sword from... himself? He is the Abyss itself, so... I dunno. I'm not gonna think about it too hard, I'll bust my brain trying to do so, even with my heightened intelligence.

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