Joining the Hunt

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Percy's P.O.V

After Artemis warped out, individual gods came up to us and gave us their blessing. Apollo, who likes us a lot, ever since we recovered his mechanical singer, again, came up to me, and gave me a blessing. 

"I, Apollo, god of music, poetry, archery, and the sun, shall hereby bless you, Perseus Jackson, with magical music playing, and healing abilities." He said, like this was the best thing he could give me, probably because it was, because healing abilities will be useful for me.

Demeter walked up to Nick, "I, Demeter, goddess of agriculture, shall hereby bless you, Nicholas Jamison, with plant manipulation and enhanced endurance." She announced. 

"Enhanced endurance?" Nick asked, Demeter sighed.

"I mean you will last longer without food, water, and sleep." She said.

"Oh." Nick said, smart with his talking.

Hephaestus then approached me, awkwardly, since his legs were so damn deformed, "I, Hephaestus, god of blacksmiths, shall hereby bless you, Perseus Jackson, with advanced crafting knowledge and skills and the ability to summon basic materials like wood, stone, metal, etc." He said, damn, this skill will definitely come in handy.

Nick was then approached by Athena. "I, Athena, goddess of wisdom, shall hereby bless you, Nicholas Jamison, with super-human intelligence and quick thinking." She said.

"Quick thinking?" Both Nick and I asked at practically the same time.

"You know, you'll process thoughts much faster, allowing you to formulate entire plans within seconds." Athena said, exasperated, like she couldn't believe we were so stupid.

Ares then approached me, like he wanted to kill me. "I, Ares, god of war, shall hereby bless you, Perseus Jackson, with the knowledge of every single form of combat invented and Spartan Rage." Okay, this was a new one.

"What in the name of Zeus is Spartan Rage?" I asked, really unsure.

"It's one of my hidden abilities, you'll become unstoppable and invincible for a minute, but you'll only be able to use your fists to strike your enemy, but even then, your strength, speed, and reaction time will increase tenfold." Ares explained, surprisingly with patience, maybe he knew that I didn't know what Spartan Rage was.

Hermes walked towards Nick, saying: "I, Hermes, messenger of the gods, shall hereby bless you, Nicholas Jamison, with superhuman speed and near undetectable stealth." He said, excitedly, like it was the greatest thing in the world.

Hades looked at me but didn't approach, "I, Hades, lord of the underworld, shall hereby bless you, Perseus Jackson, with the ability to summon the dead, precious metals and gems."

I looked at him in surprise, out of all the gods to bless me, him and Ares were the last ones I would've expected to bless me.

For some reason, Aphrodite decided to walk up, "I, Aphrodite, goddess of love, shall hereby bless you, Nicholas Jamison, with charmspeak and the ability to summon any type of clothing."

Poseidon looked dejected, "I know that I'm not in any place to bless you, seeing as I disowned you, but I shall reclaim both of you as my sons, though you may not necessarily have to go by that title, and I grant you two will enhanced control over water and all liquids.

Well, that was that done, I checked my watch (shield) and groaned as I realized that it was 5:56.

"Nick, let's go, we don't wanna be late." I told him.

"Yeah... with those ladies, I'd rather be late than early."

"Except for the fact that if we're late, when we do arrive, they'll have our heads."

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