The First Two Gone...

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Gold's P.O.V

My hand trembled on my bow string, I was squatting in a tree, bow drawn, arrow nocked, pulled back and ready to release. My prey: An unsuspecting Ares camper.

I fired, the arrow whistled through the air before burying itself into the camper's leg, the tranquilliser immediately put him to sleep.

I jumped from tree to tree, taking out their guards one by one. Making way for Silver, Bronze, and Platinum.

Oh, wait... You don't know who Platinum is.

Long story short, Platinum is our newest guardian, an ex-huntress called Thalia Grace. So yeah, there you go.

She also may or may not have a crush on Silver. She hid it well, but I'm very observant.

I was jolted back to reality when I heard shouts coming from down the creek.

I leapt through the trees, when I got to the creek, I saw Annabi- Annabeth, but she was different.

Her eyes, they glowed with a purple aura, it's like she was possessed... oh no.

Silver was standing there, glaring at the figure.

"Pride. Hubris, whatever your name is. Get. Out. Of. The. Camper." He gritted his teeth.

I stared wide-eyed at the figure who was Annabeth, and now I realize it. Pride, the colour of the symbol of pride is purple, one of the seven deadly sins, pride can infect someone and make them too arrogant for their own good.

'Annabeth' leapt at Silver, drawing a dagger. Silver slashed at her, but instead of killing her, the blade passed right through her.

"You cannot kill me! Not with those weapons!" Pride cackled, her voice blending in with Annabeth's voice.

However, Silver just punched her in the face.

"My weapons may not kill you, but my fists can." He said.

I jumped to a tree behind her and snuck up on her. Attempting to catch her in a headlock, I sprung forward and grasped at her with my hands, but instead of me catching her in a headlock, she jumped out of the way and vanished.

I looked around, surprisingly, I can't detect her presence, perhaps she actually left this place.

I then flame-travelled to where their flag was, nabbed it, and jumped into a tree, leaping from tree to tree, I managed to bring it back to our side. We won, but the shock of Annabeth being taken from the camp dampened the mood.

Timothy's P.O.V

I was panicking, I heard about the commotion, Annabeth's fatal flaw is Hubris, or Pride, no wonder she was controlled by Pride, which makes me fear that I would be controlled by Envy.

I always have this feeling that the prophecy isn't finished, but before I could think more on it, I suddenly felt like my consciousness was shoved into a corner.

I felt Envy take over my body and I tried to fight back, I was winning for a minute, but Envy shoved me back onto the ground and showed me visions, visions of what I did the previous times he possessed me. Me, bullying Leo because I was jealous of him being smarter than I was. There, a vision of me driving Percy out because of my jealousy of his importance and his girlfriend. 

Envy was torturing me in my own head. I'm trapped in my body, again. Although, sometimes Envy's guard lowers for a moment and I can regain control for at most a minute, then he shoves me back into my little corner of my mind.

When Envy guided my body towards the amphitheatre, where everyone else is, I started to panic.

I cannot allow Envy to hurt my camp. I just can't.

Silver took one look at my body and immediately understood what was going on. He raised a finger to his temple and something tugged at my mind. I let it in.

Hey. Timothy. You still in there? Silver asked me.

'Yeah, I am.' I answered (single quotes are mind speech).

Good, I thought Envy had killed you.

'Nah, this has happened before, it's the reason I drove you out. I was controlled by Envy.' I replied.

Ah. Makes sense.

'What colours are my eyes?'

Green, duh.

'Okay, okay... There are times when I can override Envy's control, but I can only do that for about a minute every day. You might wanna know that.'

I could basically hear him thinking, about the possible ways to free me from Envy's control, after a while, I heard a reply. 

Under what kinds of circumstances can you free yourself from his control? He asked.

'Usually when my friends or people I care about are in danger of Envy.' I replied.

Hmm, okay... I'll see what I can do. There might be a way to break other people out of his control, but first I'm gonna need some kind of radar to track the Seven Deadly Sins, then we can try to free other people from his control.

'Okay then, stay out of Envy's way, I'll see you later, hopefully...' I said, then I felt him break off the connection.

I can only look through the eyes of Envy now.

Silver's P.O.V

After the mental conversation with Timothy, everything suddenly clicked into place.

Emotions can briefly break their control.

These Seven Deadly Sins have no physical body, they're like Eidolons. 

They need to be sealed away... wait. The prophecy isn't complete.

It can't be complete, it never mentions how to defeat these guys.

I looked back at the body of Timothy, behaving like a normal person, but his eyes were still glowing.

I thought about something, then I stood up from my table and leapt away to find Rachel.

I found her in her cave, painting again. I walked up to her.

"Hey. Rach." I said, she jumped.

"Oh, hey, Silver." She greeted me, then turned back to her painting.

"Whatchu painting?" I asked.

"A vision I had last night, it's almost finished." Was the reply I received.

"Really? Let me see." I looked at the artwork, it was of seven figures, each painted with a different colour, and a type of mark in front of them with the same colour.

I nodded. It seems like there is a ritual that's needed to be able to seal them away.

Suddenly, a horrified scream rang out outside.

A/N: And that's a cut! I'm running outta ideas, guys! I've also started an original story, based on the Chinese series that I've read: Soul lands. It's called The Soul Masters. I'm probably going to be working on that more than any other story, so go check it out!

Also, please comment more, guys, come on! I need your help to write!

Shadowflame 95, signing out

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