Envy Nearly Destroys the Camp

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Leo's P.O.V

Something's wrong, I can feel it (Get that reference?). Timothy isn't acting like the usual arrogant person he is, I looked at his eyes, they were the same as I remember them, green and with a sparkle of malice in them.

Wait... Did Timothy's eyes just flicker to brown? I shook my head, that must've been a hallucination, but then he stood up and raised his arms, and a massive explosion went off from his body.

Yeah, no, this definitely ain't Timothy. 

I am resistant to fire and explosions, so I'm fine, but the others, not so much, Gold, Bronze and Platinum reacted really quickly and summoned shields around the campers.

Silver and Rachel arrived from her cave, and Silver immediately sprung into action. He pinned 'Timothy' down by the arms and yelled at everyone to leave the area.

I refused to leave, and so did the other guardians, Silver said something along the lines of: "I know you're in there, Timothy, Envy just tried to hurt the camp! Come on! Wake up!" You can imagine how shocked I was when I saw Timothy's eyes flicker to brown again.

"I- I can't... I can't keep in control for long, just... I..." Timothy looked directly at me.

"Leo, I'm sorry, I didn't want to hurt anyone, I was just jealous that you were so much smarter than me, the envy that I felt caused Envy to take over my body, I don't have much time, save yourself, evacuate the camp. I-" He was cut off when his eyes flickered back to green.

"Heh, you thought you could override my control? You can't. See you at your destruction, bitches!" He laughed, and then, in an explosion, he disappeared. I was blown back by the force of the explosion, I could tell the Guardians of Artemis also had trouble with it.

When I looked back up, though, I couldn't see any of them. All I could see were four wolves. Oh. Wait. They can transform into wolves.

"How does your wolf transformation even work? Do your wounds carry over from your wolf form to your human form and vice versa?" I asked.

The wolves shook their heads, Silver turned back and said, "We are technically werewolves, so if we are hurt by anything other than silver or fire, the wounds will not carry over onto our wolf forms, when we are in our wolf forms, only wounds from silver or fire carry over to our human form, other forms of attack simply pass through." I nodded, that makes sense. Wait...

"Wait, you're werewolves?!" I yelled.

"Yeah, kinda, well, Gold and I were bitten by werewolves, the creators helped us harness the power, and then there's Bronze and Platinum, they were blessed by Artemis to be able to transform into wolves, like werewolves, it's the safest way, really, considering that there are many other ways to turn into werewolves, all of which are painful and life-threatening." Silver said.

"Oh." Was my very intelligent answer.

We'll have to reconstruct the Amphitheatre, but that's not our main problem right now.

We had a counsellor's meeting in the Big House. All four guardians were here this time, plus Rachel.

"Okay, I'm going to start off this meeting." Silver announced, "The prophecy isn't complete."

"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock, doesn't take a genius to figure that out." Clarisse snapped.

"Jeez, no need to be so harsh about it." I muttered.

"Rachel has had a new vision." He said, "Rachel?"

"So, I had a vision of seven people, each one of them were silhouettes coloured differently, there was green, purple, pink, red, blue, orange, and yellow. They were all standing behind evil-looking marks, Silver deduced that this may be a way to defeat the Seven Deadly Sins, which could be the 'last threat to this world' mentioned by the prophecy. We aren't sure how, but it seems like a type of seal, we just need to find it and find out how to seal them away." She announced, that did little to raise my spirits, I doubt anyone else liked that message either.

"So... what? Do we just... send people out on journeys to locate the seals?" I asked.

"No, that's stupid, I think we should just send the Guardians to recover them." Travis spoke up.

"But we can't, we still need to recover the four weapons. We'll need the campers to do that." Gold countered. Clearly Travis just didn't want to do anything.

"Travis, I get it, you don't like this, neither do we, that's why we're doing our best to prevent it." Platinum said.

"I will volunteer myself to search for the seals." I raised my hand. Some other hands went up. 

"I will do it too." Clarisse said.

"As will I." Jason also raised his hand.

Then, Rachel started to leak smoke again.

"Seven shall go, seven shall return,

to encounter allies, cut through the blur,

They'll retrieve the seals and bind the sins.

And discover what it truly takes to win.

One is located in a place of death,

Another can be found in Athena's breath.

The third is hidden in the tyrant's hoard,

Whilst the fourth is buried in a mine so broad.

The fifth can be found where hate keeps away,

A sixth is in places with food array.

The seventh, the last, in a famous home,

This source shall not be the last, alone."

Rachel collapses, but I, being the closest one to her, managed to catch her before her head hit the ground.

I laid her carefully on the ground, and turned towards the rest of the counsellors.

"We cannot simply volunteer, we will need people who possess the traits necessary to hunt down their respective seals!" I yelled. "We're going to need Jason, as the seeker for the seal of Wrath. Piper, as the seeker for the seal of Lust. Malcolm, as the seeker for the seal of Pride. Clovis, as the seeker for the seal of Sloth. Pollux, as the seeker for the seal of Gluttony. Clarisse, as the seeker for the seal of Greed. As for the seal of Envy, I will be seeking it." I announced.

The room immediately bursts into protests.

"How am I greedy?" Clarisse yelled.

"In what way am I gluttonous?" Pollux whimpered.

"I'm not lazy!" Clovis, who woke up when I first started yelling, yelled, then fell back asleep.

"SHUT UP!" I bellowed. "Clarisse, you are greedy for glory, 'nuff said. Clovis sleeps, like, 24/7, and Pollux is only the seeker of the seal of Gluttony because of his father, it has nothing to do with him whatsoever." 

Everyone started nodding in agreement.

"Alright, everyone got that? We're leaving tomorrow, so get a good night's sleep. Meeting adjourned!" Silver stood up and walked out.

Everyone else started filing out of the Big House, I was the last to leave, since I was so impressed with myself for taking charge like that.

Don't look at me like that, reader, I'm smart, I just don't act like it.

A/N: Fourth wall break! Ha, that's funny. *Hides in a corner with a shotgun* Sorry for not updating sooner, guys, I was really busy with some other stories, and I still have writer's block. Don't hate plz. 

And comment more, guys, seriously, help out a bro! I will give out dedications for anyone who help me with my story, and the other two as well, simply comment your suggestion, and if I take it, the next chapter with said content will be dedicated to you.

If I think your suggestion is good but not good enough to be picked, you will end up in my Hall of Fame, so don't worry about that. 

Alright, that's about it.

Shadowflame 95, signing out

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