Counsellor's Meeting and a Confession

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Timothy's P.O.V

Alright, here we are, at the counsellor meeting, I was freaking out, I feel like I knew too much, I am sure to die after this.

When everyone arrived, Chiron motioned for everyone to quiet down and take a seat.

"Alright, so, we have our new prophecy, does anyone have a clue as to what the individual lines mean?" Chiron asked.

I stepped up, this was my only chance. "Well, I do have some information regarding this. So, let's start from the beginning two lines: The heroes shall unite, a total of four, must fight or Olympus will fall or more. These lines obviously mean that there will be four heroes that will fight for Olympus or else we will all die.

Next two lines: The seven, again, reunited shall rise, but only six will survive, and the last must die. Obviously, the seven from the last prophecy will have to reunite, and fight as well, but there's the problem. I drove Percy out, out of fear that I won't be liked, not only that, but I was jealous of him, so I drove him out and turned his friends on him, whatever happened to your stuff last year when he was around, that was all me, and I must apologize deeply for that.

Right, next two lines: The one betrayed must venture deep, to find the blade of winter, to fall and seek. I imagine the one betrayed is Percy, and when the prophecy says: venture deep, I doubt that it means in the ocean, I think that, wherever he is, he will eventually have to venture into the Underworld, perhaps even Tartarus, because the last line mentions: to fall and seek. I think he might have to visit Tartarus. Again. I feel bad for the guy. 

Anyways, the next lines: His brother, forgotten, must fly the skies, to find the spear of truth and lies. I'm confused about this one, Percy has a brother, Nick, but in no way was he forgotten, not from what I've done, anyways, also, Nick uses a bow, and not a spear, so why he would go find a spear, I really don't know, but he would have to travel in the sky, perhaps the spear will be in the sky, and that's why he has to fly in the first place. 

The next two lines: The one abused must swim to the depths, to find the bow and arrows of death. I don't know much about this one, but I'm willing to bet that it's a she, since it's usually females that get abused. 

These lines, though: The former huntress must seek below ground, and find the daggers of love, not sound. I know something about, see, I kinda skipped campfire, and I caught a hunter talking with Lady Artemis, and, as it turned out, she had fallen in love with someone and has now quit the hunt, I won't reveal who she is unless she would like to herself, but just throwing this out there. 

These lines: Once together, the four weapons combined, will destroy the pit, the one undermined. I imagine the weapons do something when they are brought near each-other's presence, and only then would we be able to destroy "the pit" which I'm assuming is Tartarus himself, I mean, who else has a nickname of "the pit" and is constantly undermined?

The last part I have no clue about: The final threat to this world, forgotten by all, exists not in body, but in mind and soul. I'm going to go ahead and assume there's a greater power than Tartarus, and they don't have a physical body, so they can only possess people."

I stepped down, the counsellors, and Silver, might I add, looked astonished, well, not Silver, he has a mask on, but I imagine he was very shocked. 

"Alright, I need to get Gold and Bronze, be back in 5." He stood up and his body flickered and disappeared.

Um, okay.

Thalia walked up to me. I cowered. What she said surprised me. "Well, at least you admitted it, you're better than most of the males out there."

I looked up, she wasn't smiling, but her voice had sincerity in it.

Then, Silver came back, with Gold and Bronze.

"Alright, I think a reveal of our identities is in order." Silver announced. Finally! I can find out who they are!

"Alright, I'll start, you know me now as Gold, but before, I went by the name: Nicholas Jamison." Gold- no, Nick, said, as he took off his mask and pulled back his hood. I started to apologize, but Nick immediately said: "Tim, it's fine, you're brave enough to admit that you made a mistake, that's something not a lot of people can do, I forgive you, perhaps we can actually be friends."

Now it's Silver, now I have an idea who it might be.

"You know me now as Silver, but before everything, a year ago, I was known as Percy Jackson, the two-time saviour of Olympus." Percy announced. He looked at me, and I backed up, thinking he was gonna attack me, but he pulled me into a hug. "Uh, what?" I asked him.

"You actually apologized. I knew you weren't cut out to just be 'evil', you were being affected by the embodiment of Envy, that's why you acted that way towards me. I can sense sins, I would know." I nearly cried at that.

"None of you know me, I am Bronze, but I used to be Lily Westwood, I was abused by my stepfather, I am a daughter of Apollo." So that's who the "abused" is.

Thalia, who I had heard retiring from the hunt, stepped forward. "I have a confession to make." I think I know what this is about.

"I'm retiring from the hunt." The entire table fell silent.

"And joining the Guardians." She finished. A hand went up.


"Why are you retiring from the hunt?" One of the Stoll brothers asked, I think it was Connor. 

"I subconsciously fell in love, but I'm not entirely sure with who." The whole table burst into chaos.

A/N: Well, that was fun. Working on two books at the same time is hard, guys! Please, give me some more ideas so I don't have to suffer from this rare disease called Writer's Block specific to writers that blocks their ability to generate good ideas. Leave the suggestions in the comments section.

Shadowflame 95, signing out

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