10† Project Eden

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A large bolt of lightning came from Abel's wings and sent the woman back giving him enough room to stand up then swing his scythe around at her. She caught the bladed end, gripping it tightly, the red blade started to darken to black at her touch. The woman eyed her forming wounds as he sliced the air, not actually at her. Her shoulder started to bleed down to her hip. She stepped backwards coughing hard with a slash across her chest. Her blood started to pour out around her, a clear lethal blow before Abel pinned her to the wall ready to kill her at any second. "Have you seen enough?" He roared into her face, ready to rip her throat out.

The woman hacked hard at Abel but grinned like nothing was wrong, "You're getting better. But, you're still no match for me. This is what I was trained to do. What I was born to do. To kill everything in my sight, no questions asked. Don't you remember me yet?"

Abel watched her body start to weaken, "You keep saying that. What do you mean by it?"

She smiled leaning into him, "It's funny... You know, if you kill me then you might get revenge on 01 for killing his pet project or even his pride and joy. I mean since he killed yours."

Abel took a step back from the woman and his wings laid down across the bloody ground out from his ready stance, her blood already pooling around his feet. She coughed a bit before he clenched his fist, "I can't... I can't remember!" Abel punched towards her face, but only punched a hole into the wall instead as he took out all of his anger on the thick cement and steel wall instead of his attacker. The woman held her head straight on with a smirk, not even flinching at him.

"Abel. You said you can't kill anyone anymore. No, not that you can't. You said you won't." She looked over to the room, "But would you for her?"

Abel looked over to the room, the mirror fully visible through so the people inside had a better view to watch the two fight. Caterina watched Abel before reaching up to her throat. Caterina winced and started to gag, choking on the air, or lack thereof. Abel turned more to face Caterina in a panic, his wings trailing the blood on the floor as he turned towards her. The pool of blood he stepped inside of hardened like glue around his feet. It started to crawl up around his body, entangling him from moving towards Caterina like thorny vines. Abel stared in horror, reaching out towards the window as Caterina was close to passing out from the lack of oxygen with only a few people in the room to help her and none of them professionals. "What do you want? I'll do it! Stop suffocating her! Please!" The woman leaned over to Abel, her skin turning back to it's original ivory paleness, her black hair whipping around her body slowly calming back down as her wings retreated into her back. Abel matched her, turning back to looking like a full human if no one knew any better. Abel saw the gasping motions Caterina was making as Father William and Sister Mary helped her out as much as they possibly could.

Abel turned back to the woman and held her to the wall. "I stopped it. Why are you still so angry? Priests should turn the other cheek. Right?"

Abel felt the blood around his body like vines grow thorns that started to dig into his skin, making small cuts into his skin. She ran her fingers through some loose strands of his hair blocking his vision as he stood firm taking the pain, "I'll do anything for the people I protect... Within reason. That's how I was raised at least." He eyed her some, his face contorting as if he was trying to think of why she seemed familiar. He dropped her from the wall and let her walk around him. She held her stomach in pain. It slowly started to heal more once Abel was visibly more cut up by the twisting thorns around him. "You said you knew of the bodies taken off of the Ark. How do you know about that? You're no Methuselah to even live long enough to remember back then..."

"I know of all the science experiments you tested on the people. DNA, toxins, chemical configurations, and more. Lilith was the Lieutenant-Colonel of Health and Medicines who worked with Major Seth in the Science Department on lots of the tests you guys ran. Even Colonel Cain watching everything go down never did anything to stop most of it, yet he helped instigate most of it, too. You found out that all of those 'Aliens' on board died from a virus they were working on isolating from the world. You damn idiots gave life to a dead set of viruses. You let the Kudlak Bacillus virus spread to humans, nearly infecting the whole world. Not to mention you also tampered with the Kresnik virus! Due to certain circumstances you found out that it wouldn't transfer to simple regular humans. You realize that a person with Nanos running through their body will always be alive. If someone were to die and you bring that virus back to life then that person, too, will come back to life... As long as their head hasn't been severed for more than a century's span."

Abel's eyes widened and he fought against the vines, "Of course. Before any of us injected ourselves with the Kresnik Bacillus virus, 'He' was testing it on one of the bodies that held the virus in the first place before he... Before he..."

"You should've left me there!" The woman angrily shoved Abel backwards off putting his balance, "You damn fools... And of course the delinquent was demoted once he failed his job at managing the security, he moved down to Lieutenant-Colonel, upset after being sent back to Earth to the humans who hated them all... And Abel? How fast can someone climb the Red Mars Project ladder when they prove their worth and that they actually lived in the environment?"

Abel watched her carefully moving himself sluggishly to the bars. He kept away from the blood on the ground as it slowly was absorbed into the woman's body, "She became the Brigadier General... Master of the Cyber Connections in the Ark and the RMP. She fixed the Ark back up letting the Humans travel back to Earth after the outbreak of the virus..." Abel was fixated on the ground and didn't notice the woman walking up to him. She smirked as he whispered, "I can't think right off the top of my head. I've tried to forget those memories."

"Computer, activate voice command access." She held her hands behind the small of her back in a proper military stance, "Do you know what connection system the world runs off of now? With the Armageddon, the world runs off of one fully coded system that is dead to the generations now. Only properly trained individuals know about it. Especially when that person lived with the people who designed the programming codes."

"Connection code authorization requested. Please input the UN ID number." A robotic woman's voice came across the intercom while the screens in front of most of the workers froze and indecipherable codes came across the screen instead.

Abel stood up glaring at the woman before he spoke loudly to the computer, "UNASF94-8-RMOC-666-02-AK. Computer load the files containing the Garden of Eden Project."

Across the screen blared a bright red label with a loud buzzing noise rejecting his code, "Access denied. Lieutenant-Colonel, Abel Knightlord, please enter a valid access ID in or say a command that your jurisdiction is able to open. You are not authorized to open this classified section."

The woman stepped forward to the bars, "Computer, please open the GEP, releasing the security restrictions before being shut back down to high security locking."

"Access ID required, input now."

The woman smiled over to Abel before speaking, "UNASF22-8-RMOC666-00-EK"

The computers blinked green and the woman over the intercom spoke, "Access granted. Lieutenant General, Eden Knightlord, please choose a file you would like to access at this time... If no action is taken, due to the level of classification, the file will be closed until voice input is requested again."

"Show protective body camera findings of 02-AK and 04-LS the night of their findings on the Alien ship 'The Ark.' Speed the time up to the exact moment they found the subject at the start of Project Eden." Her lips curled into the familiar smile as she looked down upon Abel. "You forget, it has been a few years... I'm no longer a one star General... I have three."

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