"Anything for you"

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Today was Nick's birthday. It took a lot of planning but I know it's going to be amazing. I know how to throw great parties if you ask me. I went to the closet to get ready.

"Babe can you hand me my Nikes" I heard through the door.

"Nick why are your shoes in my closet" I asked.

"That is where they fell last night, I didnt bother to pick them up" He said. That was a lie because he didnt wear the nikes yesterday and they were put up neat over my shoes. I got dressed and walked out with his shoes

"Here you go" I said handing him the shoes.

"Thanks babe" He said kissing me.

What I wore

"So what are you going to do until 5" I asked

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"So what are you going to do until 5" I asked.

"The boys and I have a meeting but then I'm not doing anything" He said. I nodded. We all left out.

I took Evelyn to the venue that we rented for Nick's birthday. We set up decorations and everything. So my surprise for Nick is to act like I have something to do and I won't be at the party. I'm gonna be secretly recordibg the whole thing. Before the cakes get cut the boys are gonna go behind the stage and we are gonna come out singing.

We are going to sing 'summer on you' and maybe 'goodnight n go' and possibly unreleased music. Once we finished we sat down.

"I think daddy is going to love it" Evelyn said. I just smiled to her.

"So the plan today is for you to tell daddy that you dont know where i am and get him to text me" I said. She nodded.

"You are going to be there right" Evelyn asked.

"Of course"


Righ now I am backstage. I hear everything thats going on. Nobody but the boys know where I am.

~Nick's Pov~

So the boys threw me a surprise party. Everyone is here from close friends to far family. The only person who isn't here is Emma.

"Evelyn have you seen your mom" I asked.

"No" She said and went to go play with the other kids that were here. I let out a big huff.

"Hey Marissa do you know where Emma is" I asked.

"No I thought she was with you" She said. I rolled my eyes. How could she not be here on my birthday? I walked away from the party.

Future Husband💍
Babe where are you

I don't think i'm gonna make it. I had a last minute studio sesh

Futre Husband💍
Are you serious, its my birthday

And I promise I'll make it up to you

Future Husband💍
Yea whatever

She literally chose a studio session over something I need her here for. I can't believe her right now but I'm going to enjoy my day.

~Emma's Pov~

"Emma he's mad, I think its time to do it" Zion said running backstage.

"Ok but like he need to chill" I laughed. They didn't say anything. We set up on the stage and then the lights went on on stage. The boys and I started 'summer on you'. The look on Nick's face was priceless.

"So this was for you. This was my portion of the surprise" I said into my mic. The boys got off stage as I sang 'goodnight n go'. Everyone sang the lyrics with me. When I finished I decided one more song.

"Ok so this song is one I have been working on for some time" I said.

"If you take to long to hit me back. I can't promise you how I'll react but all I can say is at least I'll wait for you. Lately I've been on a rollercoaster, tryna get a hold of my emotions. All I can trust is I need your touch" I sang. It felt good to sing this song. I finished the song and walked off of stage.

"Thank you babe" Nick said kissing my head.

"Anything for you" I said. We continued the night and it was perfect.


I'm so sorry that this is a shorter one but I don't know where to go from here. This story may come to an end soon. Thanks for all the reads though.

Its gonna be ending when Emma drops the thank u next album. Which may be in the next three chapters. And Nick will meet Nonna.

everytime x Nick MaraWhere stories live. Discover now