"Oh shit her water"

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~three months later~

I am officially nine months. All I really do is lay in bed all day. I have written a few more songs. I have to record for 'bloodline' and 'make up'. Nick's birthday was last week. So now my baby is 23.

"Nick I have to go record today" I said.

"Ok I'll drive you" He said. I feel like I'm gonna burst at any moment.

"I think I'm gonna record three more songs because the crew and I don't know what else to write about" I said.

"You'll find something" Nick said kissing my nose. He helped me in the car. We drove to the boy's house. I went into the studio and everyone was there.

"Oh my god, Kaitlyn" I said running to her. She gave a a big hug.

"Damn I missed you" She said. She went on a trip to see her family in france.

"Tiffany how you doing" I said. We kissed each others cheeks.

"I'm perfect and you" She asked.

"I'm amazing" I said. I looked around and didn't see Charlotte or Fiffany.

"Ok let's get to recording, I finished editing fake smile" Brandon said.

"Can we start that one" I asked. He nodded. Everyone sat on the couch.

Another night another party
saying hi to everybody
im sorry
i gotta leave i gotta leave now
i got somewhere i gotta be now
im starving
can somebody walk me to my car
if i go alone im not gonna make it very far
im thankful for the love
and all of the above
if im being honest i dont been through way too much
i cant fake another smile
i cant fake like im alright
ohhh, ohhh
i wont say im feeling fine
after what i been through i cant lie
ohh, ohh
fuck a fake smile

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck" I said.

"That's not in the lyrics" Brandon said.

"No, no, its ow the...BABIES" I said.

"The...The babies" Zion said in a confused tone.


"Oh shit her water" Nick said. I sat in the booth huffing and puffing.

"It's ok Amore, I'm here baby" Nick said rubbing my back.

"Get me to the hospital now" I said. I don't remember it being this bad for Evelyn.

"Umm ok, let's get her out of here. We already have a room ready for us" Nick said. He walked me to the car.

"The hospital bag" I said.

"Can someone go to our house and get the hospital bag please" Nick asked.

"I'll do it" Zion said.

"No you need to be with Emma, that's basically your sister. I'll go get it" Kaitlyn said. Zion nodded. Nick got in the car and drove to the hospital.

"Where's Dante, I'm not having these babies if he isn't here" I said.

"I'm calling him now" Nick said. Everyone was in my room. The doctor told us that only the father and parents can be in the room for the birth.

"Nick where is your mom" I asked.

"She's on her way. She says two hours"

"Two hours, I don't think I can wait that long"

everytime x Nick MaraWhere stories live. Discover now