23. Plan A and A Space Ship.

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So, Mr Hubbard, the sneaky b*st*rd, had phoned the police, did people automatically hate her because of her background and tattoos. Surely people can't be that small-minded — Good-On Kieth for stepping up and giving a statement. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed more people enter the waiting room; I automatically ignored them. Who am I really? And why am I here?

"Mr Chase, I was told you were making your way here." I glanced up to see Mr & Mrs Waters; I stood up immediately. Zombie state or non-zombie state, you show respect to those that deserve it. He had his hand out-stretched, and I shook it. "Thank you, Steven, for helping my wife that day in the library."

"Oh. Not at all, Mr Waters, happy to help." I answered quietly now, fully aware of everyone watching me. I also realised I was looking down at him; he was a good head and shoulders smaller than me, lanky and a lot older than I remembered. I always thought of Mr Waters as a giant and someone to be scared off; even Mrs Waters looks different. Obviously, she is sick so yes a little tired, but I notice that she is a plump woman who dyes her grey hair red and needs her roots redyed. "Mrs Waters, are you feeling any better?" I ask, trying not to stare and be rude.

"Yes, Steven. Thank you. I have an abnormal heart rhythm." She answers.  I nod and think to myself 'Arrhythmia'. "Well we can't stay, we only called to say thanks." We said quick goodbyes, and they left.

I noticed the policeman left while I was talking to the Waters and friends of Purdy's started to go too. I spot a food trolly off to the side, and I grab a plate, butter knife and some white napkins from it; also I spy those tiny butter and jam packets.   I opened my cool-box and remove pancakes, water-bottles and some fruit, and without asking or saying anything, I make my way to Purdy's hospital room. Just as I go to open the door, Harmony shouts out, "hold on Steven." I freeze and peer over my shoulder at her. "Hey! Don't go all Hulk on me; I'm not here to stop you, just letting you know my mum is picking me up and we will take Edward home. Darnell is going to wait for you and take you home." At the mention of Darnell's name, I glance over at him to watch as he starts to eat the contents of the cool-box. 

"No problem Harmony. Hey, everyone," I shout "homemade pancakes in the cooler for everyone." I grin as I watch Darnell's face screwup into a grimace and he lets out an audible sigh. Well, he did ask for my help, and I would not be helping if I let him eat the entire contents of the cool-box. I walk into Purdy's hospital room as I watch everyone help themselves to my pancakes.

I entered the room quietly, expecting Purdy to be asleep, but I found her awake and sitting up talking to Crusher. Great! I inwardly swore, why is this man always with Purdy? Instead of getting angry, I smile and say hello, Crusher is standing at the back of the room, confident as ever. Well, I can be confident too.  I pull the table on wheels from the bottom of the bed closer Purdy, and silently I set out my pancakes, water and fruit. I open the butter and jam packets and leave the knife by the plate. 

"Hi, Purdy," I say at last. I may look confident, but this 'Steven Hulk' is nervous, and I continue saying. "Sorry. My phone was switched off because I didn't want to deal with my Mother. So homemade pancakes as a peace offering." Purdy was quiet, she looked cross or confused I couldn't tell maybe a mixture of both, Crusher still stood with a huge grin on his face.

Purdy nods her head and smiles. "Understandable Steven. I would too if I had to speak to your mum. Did you make these pancakes? 

"Yes, this morning before school." I glance at Crusher his smile falters slightly. "Are you ok now? I saw the video, what can I do to help? I quickly replied and proud of myself for not stumbling over my words.

"Bruised a little and took a knock to the head, so formalities really, waiting for x-ray results and a doctor. Should be able to leave tomorrow." She lifted the butter knife and buttered her pancake and cut it in half. She opened her water and downed about half of it, then lifting the pancake she dipped it into jam packet scooping out the contents. 

Crusher cleared his throat, I'd forgotten about him. "Well, Steven can you be here for nine-thirty tomorrow morning?" He must have noticed the confusion on my face because he continued asking, "do you still want to learn how to drive?"

"Yes." I almost shrieked. "Honestly, I'd forgotten about the lessons; my brain has been thinking about Purdy's attack. I can get Darnell to drop me off or take the bus; I will phone you if something comes up and I can't make it."

"Well, then see you tomorrow. You made those pancakes?" He asked sceptically.

"Yes if you hurry you might get some before they are all eaten," I say in a bored manner, hoping he will leave quickly.

"I'm away then. Bye." He was out of the door before we could utter our goodbyes. Plan A worked. Now to decide what Plan B is now that my head was totally clear, clearer than yesterday even. Today I could see everything in detail, the different shades of pinks and purples of the flowers, the light casting beams from the windows and as I look down there on Purdy's left arm was an exact copy of the alien space ship I drew in the art class. I rubbed my thumb over it. The tiny spaceship was nestled between other pieces of work; I couldn't focus on the other tattoos, just my alien ship. 

I sat beside Purdy. Side by side. We spent the rest of the day talking in-between her naps, and when it was time to leave Darnell knocked quietly on the door, but didn't stay. Purdy was sleepy when I had to go, so I bent my head down and kissed her lightly on the head. I explained that I would need to be home by a particular time, or my Mother would suspect something. 

She nodded and said. "When you are eighteen you can come live with me." Before I could answer her, she fell asleep.


Almost Finished.

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