9. Attitude and Holding Hands.

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"So." My mother started, and I knew this wasn't going to good. My mother had her nose stuck high in the air, to show how much better she is. "Purdy. What an awful name. How a mother can give a child a name like that."

"I think it means 'by God' and 'lost' it's an old family name my Grandma named me." Purdy said so matter of factly. "oh." she turns towards me and asks me, "Are we having chocolate cake for pudding, I love Janey's chocolate cake." My mother's attitude didn't annoy Purdy at all.

"Well anyway, so you have a motorcycle you drive a car, and you have your body covered in tattoos. What makes you suitable to be friends with my boy?" She asked Purdy, thinking she had the upper hand and Purdy would maybe get angry and storm out. My mother is excellent in bringing out the true colours of someone by being as mean as possible to them.

She shrugged her shoulders. "That's up to Nerd Boy, not me. It's his choice."

"Where are your parents? I want to talk to them; you young lady are not a suitable companion for my only child." I softly sniggered which unexpectantly turned into a sneeze. 

"Well that you can't do, Mrs Chase and Bless you Nerd boy." She smiled at me, scrapped her plate clean and patted her tummy and continued saying, "Now bring on the chocolate cake."

Darnell and Ed agreed with her, and the tension was starting to lift in the room, and the adults were starting to chat again when my mother ruined the atmosphere by shouting slightly at Purdy, "I think that is now my choice."

"Well, ok, then. My parents are in Silverstone cemetery, not sure where, never visited them," and still Purdy had this sense of calmness over her.

"I would say 'sorry for your loss', but you don't seem to be sad, are you ok, Purdy?" queries Darnell.

Purdy's arm lay on the table, so I reached over and gently held her hand.  I stared up at my mother.

"Mother, she came over to help me with a poem why are you acting this way? Purdy is a lovely girl."

But it was Purdy who spoke. "She is acting this way because I don't come from a similar background. My parents met at a drug treatment centre. Both my parents were clean when I was born even for my first birthday. My grandmother was worried, so she had legal documents putting her as next of kin and my Uncle Carlos as a backup guardian."

Purdy studies the faces looking at her, all the guests listen intently, but I am unsure if I want her to share her story with anyone in this house it is not fair that she should be made to explain herself.

"Please Purdy," I pleaded, "you do not owe anyone an explanation; I am very sorry."

Purdy sighs. We are still holding hands on the table, she grips my hand tighter, pulls our hands back and to below the table. My hand tightly gripped in hers lays gently on her leg.

"It's ok, Steven. I understand why your parents would be wary of me; just look at me." She said with sadness. "I always seem to be defending myself everywhere I go, you have been the first person in a long time Steven that has not run from me screaming or has made me justify why I am the way I am. Thank you for that."

"But Purdy I am looking at you, there is nothing wrong with your appearance. Honestly to me, you look perfect." I shyly made eye contact with her, and after a lifetime of heartbeats she leaned over wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me, and finally, I breathed in that fragrance that is all Purdy.

Sorry For the short chapter. If you liked this chapter, please remember to vote thanks.

Chapter nine completed.

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