10. Chocolate Cake and Baby Girl.

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My father, who does not like confrontation, tried to ease the tension and distract my mother by telling our guests about the new playhouse they have built out the back. 

"Well, it is more of a guest house now I suppose saying as we decided to put in a bedroom with an en-suite; but there is still a pool table, games room and a kitchenette which is all stocked up thinking that the kids would  want to go out there after they eat." My father announced talking to no one in particular.

My mother; who still wanted to get her monies worth out of the whole 'Purdy Situation' cleared her throat, and all eyes turned toward her. I am sure she knows that I am holding Purdy's hand under the table, and I am shaking. Looking directly at Purdy "there is no alcohol out there, so no point in thinking you can go out there and get drunk on my money."

I sat frozen; I never realised how unpleasant my mother was, until this moment and right now, I have never felt so embarrassed in my entire short life.

"I don't give a sh*t about your guest house, I came here to help Nerd Boy with his poem and then to kidnap him for the night, getting fed happened to be a bonus." Purdy was starting to get slightly annoyed but before my mother could answer the catering staff came out with the chocolate cake. Instead of using a fork, Purdy lifted the large slice of pie and started eating with her fingers.

Purdy's phoned went off, "Oh no, I'm all chocolate. Can you reach into my pocket and get my phone for me Nerd Boy. Just put it on the table and hit the speaker button. Thanks." She stood up and trying not to inappropriately grab her ass I slid her phone out of her back pocket.

"Hi, dad. What's up?" She said with a mouthful of cake.

"Hey, baby girl. Where you at?" Came a gruff but kind sounding voice through the phone.

"At Nerd Boy's getting my dinner. Then going over his poem that will only take five minutes then we are heading to the club." She said with a cheeky smile and a glance in my direction.

"No, Steven is far too young to go be going to a nightclub ." Shouted my mother.

"Boxing club Mrs Chase." Purdy snapped back at my mother; my mother was taken slightly aback by Purdy's sudden change in demeanour. 

"Wow someone sounds like they have a stick up their butt. Anyway, heads up I slipped up and told Mills you were bringing a boy from school now the place is packed tonight wanting to check out your new boyfriend a lot of jealous men in the club tonight." The gruff voice now sounded amused.

"Dad, first he is not my boyfriend I just met him, and second you let nothing slip you told Mills I was bringing Nerd Boy on purpose he's the biggest gossip around." She was now scolding the phone, and there was muffled laughter in the background.

"You know me too well can't lie to my baby girl." That gruff voice sounded so, well I'm not sure maybe warm and loving. 

My Mother stood abruptly and practically screamed at Purdy. "You said your father was dead and here you are chatting with him on the phone."

Purdy turned her bright blue eyes on me, and she looked angry. "Fu*k sake Nerd Boy what the f*ck is wrong with your mother. I'm done being polite." 

"Listen Daddy I will be at the club later, either with or without Nerd Boy. See you later. Love you." The anger in her voice faded the moment she said, Daddy.

"Love you too, baby girl. Oh and Nerd Boy looking forward to meeting you tonight."

"Likewise, Mr Del-Ray." The phone call ended, and Purdy appeared to be exasperated, but instead of shouting, her voice was calm, her words were not. 

"Now fu*k this sh*t, Mrs Chase. That was my Uncle Carlos. I call him Dad because well he is, Uncle Carlos and Grandma took me in when my parents checked out of giving a f*ck." She licked the chocolate off her fingers and lifted her napkin to clean up.

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