6. Kidnappings and Ex-boyfriends.

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Ten minutes into the class and I was getting a feel for this whole art attraction; ok, so my drawings where more of a childish cartoon feel to it than proper classical art, but I was starting not to dislike it and could see myself buying a few art supplies.

I was slowly aware that I had a spectator, and when I looked up, an older woman maybe in her 60's was watching me draw. She had that art vibe; long purple flower printed dress, her hair tied in a messy bun with pencils sticking out it and an easy-going smile on her face. I warmed to her instantly, and I returned her smile with a huge grin.

"Hello there sweetie, did you get lost, invited or under duress?" she inquired still smiling at me. Usually, I wouldn't get myself into this type of situation so I wasn't sure if I should be anxious, but the lady was lovely, so I didn't think I should be worried.

"Can I answer all of the above ma'am? Purdy kidnapped me for the afternoon," I truthfully answered.

"And would you like a pass that sets you free, sweetie," she asks me raising her eyebrows so high she looked like she is in shock.

"Oh no, ma'am Purdy can capture me anytime. I am enjoying myself; I'm finding this art class very soothing." I stated.

"And your advanced Math and Science classes, they don't help you achieve this level of peacefulness?" The teacher was mocking me slightly, but I didn't mind. I've never undergone so many different emotions in such a short space of time; I have experienced more in the last two days than I have in the previous two years. 

"Well, that's excellent. I'm finally bringing art to the academics of the world. You have a name, sweetie?" Purdy's teacher was still slightly amused by my presence in her art class, but right now, at this moment, I wished I could hug Purdy for introducing me to her art teacher and dragging me to her art class.

"Yes. Purdy calls me Nerd Boy." I reply, and the students snigger to themselves quietly. I thought I would feel embarrassed, but I feel privileged that Purdy had given me this name.

"And you like this name sweetie?" She asked.

"Yes, I do, but you can still call me sweetie I like that too. Nobody has ever called me that before either." I boldly answered, and when I thought about it, I don't think my mother ever gave me a pet name. Suddenly in a matter of a couple of days, I have gained two new titles.

"Where did you find this delightful boy Purdy?" addressing Purdy who was now standing beside me grinning.

"He sits on the wall where I park my bike every morning, trying to hide from me. I've been waiting for him to talk to me for two years and finally, he did this week." She revealed, oh my goodness I didn't realise she noticed me now I feel silly, and I duck my head down as I blush and feel slightly self-conscious.

"Are you going to keep him?" she now looks at me as she waits for Purdy's answer.

"Well, Miss Cindy that depends on him." That is all she says, and Miss Cindy walks over to her desk, she leaves me alone, and everyone gets on with their work. Something I have noticed about art class, the students are quiet.

When art class ended for the day, nobody was in a rush to leave; I could sit here with purdy forever if she asked me to. But she did finally finish and start to pack away her art materials, and I closed the art pad and handed it to her. Purdy was quiet while she washed her brushes and tidied up. I just watched her, and every now again, she would glance over her shoulder at me and smile. 

I texted Darnell to tell him to meet me at Purdy's bike. And when I looked up from my phone, Purdy was standing at the door waiting for me. We walked in silence, but it felt nice, yuck! I hate that word. I had so many questions but was scared to ask just in case I would say the wrong words.

"Did you honestly enjoy the art class or were you just being polite to Miss Cindy?" she inquired.

"It was different and fun, and I won't mind being kidnapped again, preferably sooner rather than later. It's been a long time since I felt this relaxed." It seems so natural, to be honest with her. I hope she doesn't misjudge this as confidence: her smile alone makes me quake in my boots every time she looks at me. In no time we were standing at Purdy's bike when there was a loud shout.

"Purdy", a well built tattooed man, was straddling a large motorbike. "Girl, what took you so long your school bell went 15 minutes ago?"

"What you want "Crusher?" She asked, but she didn't seem angry or annoyed, so going to assume friend.

"Have you got that new design ready for me?" he demanded, "It has been nearly a month."

"You came all the way here to ask me that?" she said but didn't answer his question.

"Well sort of, and to see if I can persuade you to take me back, man I miss that sweet body of yours," he said matter of factly and eyed her up and down.

Now I was feeling angry and a little sad, how could I compete with a man like that, instantly I felt stupid thinking that maybe I could somehow ask Purdy out. I dropped my head slightly.

"Crusher, seriously man we had a good run. But we are not meant for each other." He went to cut her off, but she put her hand up to stop him and then she continued "Yes, I know Crusher you were fantastic, but we were just a physical relationship, and you are in love with someone else Crush, and I won't get in the way." She commented without embarrassment, great he's an ex-boyfriend, and their love life was fantastic, now I know I can't compete.

"Come by the shop on Saturday, and the design will be ready. Ok?" she told the tattooed man-mountain named Crusher of all names.

So what if I'm jealous.

"OK. And yes I know your right, but it's too real and painful when it comes to love Purdy; what if she doesn't love me back, what then? A broken heart is not easy to mend." Man mountain states and then starts his bike and leaves.

Purdy, takes a long deep breath in and releases it slowly; then she turns and hands me her diary and a pen.

"Here, jot down your address. Also, show me that poem." Purdy sighs, I'm not one for reading emotions, especially girls emotions, but she seems a little faltered. I say nothing but do as I'm told and write my address in her diary; she looks at the poem and at the same time she manages to puts her hoodie into her bag and put her riding gear on, she packs everything away and gets on her bike.

"This won't be on your final exams. Your teacher is just testing you, stop stressing about it and don't read it until I tell you too. Ok?" she hands me the page back, and I give her back her diary which she looks at and then tucks it into an inside pocket of her jacket.  

"Will call over to your house later tonight, help you with your poem, and if you're good, I might kidnap you again. Bye Nerd Boy." Helmet on, the engine started, and she was gone before I could say anything or even a goodbye. 

Oh man, why did I have to fall in love with the gorgeous tattooed girl?

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Chapter six completed.

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