24. Trainspotting & Suicide.

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        I saw no one when I came home, knowing that the security cameras would pick me up. I fell into my usual routine.  Making my dinner and watching something random on the kitchen T.V. I cleaned the kitchen and kept to my pattern as an errand thought skipped through my brain. Foggy snippets of private conversations pierced my head. I sat down and rubbed at my eyes, I kept hearing Mother say over and over "he can't comprehend, he can't focus, he won't remember anything. He's gone. Gone for good and soon." I also heard a male voice but couldn't match it with a face and the laughing it was too much. My head screamed in agony. Remembering my promise, I took no tablets, I decided on a shower. 

At last, admitting to myself something was wrong, I dug around in a drawer and found my old mobile. It looks exactly the same as the one I use now because I lost my phone and Mother replaced it within days. It was found in the house but when or where I can't remember. I put both phones on their charger, and when the old one had enough power, I texted a few people with this old number—telling them only to use this number. As I was clearing contacts and messages from my new phone, Darrell's mum called me on my old phone. She asked me if everything was ok, and I honestly told her that I didn't know. She said she would give me a day and would phone me in 24 hours if I gave her the same answer she was coming over to collect me to stay with her Darnell and they would think of an excuse. I agreed. Exhausted I put both phones on silent and set the alarm for the next morning.


Making my way downstairs, I could hear the T.V on in the kitchen, and I smelt bacon. Opening the door to the kitchen, I couldn't believe what I was seeing—mother in a pink apron cooking breakfast.

"Well good morning sunshine, I hope you are hungry. I've made you a big breakfast this morning." I must have looked confused because she continued saying. "Are you ok? Did you not sleep well?"

I don't answer her. I nodded my head. She plates up the food for both us both her portion is slightly smaller, but we both sit down to eat the same food.

"Where's Dad this morning? Knowing that he would be at work but wanting to make conversation.

"Oh, Sweetie. I knew something was wrong the last couple of days you haven't been at all focused. Have you been taking your vitamins?" She sighed, and concern was etched on her face.

I nod again. 

"Go get them for me, please." She was now smiling a lovely motherly warm smile.

I rush upstairs to hide the old phone in the compartment in my bag, sling it over my shoulder and come down with the new phone and the vitamin box.

I hand the vitamins to her, place the phone on the kitchen counter and continue to eat. Mothers cooking is not as good as mine, but at least she remembered the spicy sausages.

I watched as she looked in the box and nodded, she seemed satisfied that I have been taking them. I take a large gulp of orange juice. It tasted a little funny and I screwed up my face.

"Is the orange juice off mother asks and goes to the fridge to check it. "No sweetie it's fine, let me taste it." She takes a mouthful and says. "It is a little different than our usual brand."

We finish eating our breakfast and then she turns and holds my hand.

"Now Steven. Your dad doesn't live here anymore. Remember he was having an affair and moved in with his secretary Lucy. I think they are living in France now."

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