Chapter 7

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My cheeks burned as I realized what I just did, is this what love feels like? It feels like my whole body is about to explode just because he showed just a little bit of affection.

I walked inside the house and it looked like no one was home, I sighed and sat down onto the couch, it was comfortable but my dad never lets me sit when he's home. He sees me just as some kind of slave.

"Hello darling." I looked up to see my mother, I quickly jumped up from the couch, "I'm so sorry mother, I didn't mean to sit on the-"

"It's alright, love, your father isn't home so it's alright." She walked over to you and gently rubbed of the makeup from you eye, "I'm so sorry we have to live like it, sweetie." Tears were forming in her eyes and she gently pecked my forehead.

"Was that the blythe boy I just saw walking with you."

I nodded softly, there's no way of denying it if she already saw it, right?

"Do me a favor, go to your room, your father wasn't happy when he realized that you didn't come home yesterday." I totally forgot about that.

I nodded and hugged her close, "I love you." She smiled and ruffled my hair, "I love you more." I quickly made my way over to my room and locked the door.

I'm never aloud to do that, but I know what's about to happen...

I sat near my window and stared into the open land as snow was all over the place, I sighed softly and I placed my hand into the window feeling the coldness of it run through my body and up my spine.

"Y/n! Come here! Now!" My fathers voice boomed trough the whole house and I wouldn't be surprised if the whole damn town heard, I walked over to the door and walked downstairs.

"Yes, father?"

"Did you have a nice sleep at Green Gables?" I was speechless, how did he?

"I don't understand, I was at Diana's." He laughs and grabbed me by my dress and pushed my to the ground.

I fell onto the ground with a loud slam making my mother jump, but she didn't dare to turn around. I can't blame her. If I was in her position I wouldn't do anything either.

"If Diana was at Green Gables, how were you at her house then?" I felt my body run cold, he's insane, and I can tell what's about to happen.

He grabbed my collar and pulled me up and slapped me as hard as he could making me fall onto the ground was again.

My could feel a sudden pain go through my lip was I tried to touch it all I saw was blood, "Is what we do not good enough for you? Huh?!" I crawled away from him as I felt the tears run down my face.

"N-no! None of this is good! You're just a fucking psychopath that doesn't love anything then his money!" I yelled out, I didn't care anymore, at this moment I knew that it was my end. Literally.

He balled his first and hit me in my nose, before he could hit another time a knock was heard on the door. Your father grabbed you by your dress and pushed you over to the kitchen.

"You show yourself, you're dead, you hear me." I nodded quietly, my mother quickly made her way over me and hugged me closer.

She shushed me as I felt the sobs come over me, "I'm sorry to disturb sir, but my friend and I made a little bit too much pie to we decided to go around." Gilbert, he can't see me like it.

"That's very nice, but no thank you." Before that man could close the door Gilbert puts his foot between the door and the doorpost making it impossible for him to close the door.

"Is there any chance I could see your daughter?"

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝙰𝚟𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚎𝚊 𝚊𝚒𝚛|𝙶𝚒𝚕𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚝 𝙱𝚕𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚎Where stories live. Discover now