Chapter 12

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"We should play a game." Jose said, all of them groaned as if they already knew what she was gonna say, "Let me guess." Charlie said, "Spin the bottle." They all said in perfect sync.

"But Y/n has probably never played to-"

"Why does it matter, it's an annoying game." Cole said, Jose rolled her eyes and she puts the bottle to the side on the ground.

"I don't care."

Gilbert lets out a sigh as he sits a little more comfortable, I looked down and bit my lips, "Are you in?" Jose asked, I just nodded.

What if I get billy? I don't want to kiss billy, in any way.

"Who want to go first?" Jose asked, billy raised his hand and smirked my way, I fake gagged making him frown.

He rolled his eyes and lets the bottle spin, on who it landed it made us all snicker, it had landed on Moody.

"Wait no, the rule is normally only girls and boys."

"Alright, spin again." Jose said, he scoffs and turns the bottle again, it's one of Jose's goons. Good for him. He pouts and pecked her on the lips. The girl with the dark hair and green dress blushed a deep red before crawling back to her seat.

"Ok, who's next?" Jose asked, the girl points to Cole making him groan, he sat up from his laying position and gave it a spin.

Anne. Cole looked at Anne before gently pecking her lips, it's looked so cute even though they probably didn't enjoy it. I looked at Gilbert seeing him looking at me.

He scanned my face, he saw I didn't care they kissed, his expression soon showed that he must have realized something but didn't say it. God seem to forbid him from saying it out loud. Stubborn idiot.

Cole handed Gilbert the bottle making him snap out of his glance at me, he took a deep breath before giving it a strong turn.

Anxiety filled me as the bottle seemed to go round and round for hours on end, when it finally came to an end I felt my heart stop.

Giggles filled the room and some 'ooeeehhh's were heard, Gilbert gently looked at me as if he was asking for permission. Were not together, why are you doing this?

I looked down giving him what he needed, i looked up to see Jose smirk at me as she pushed ruby to Gilbert.

Gilbert awkwardly crawled closer to her, I felt my throat swell at the thought, why is this hurting me so much? I can't like him.

Before they could kiss I stood up, and I mumbled a quick, "I don't feel good." Before storming out of the room, I slammed the door shut making everyone jump.

I sat near a small river where me and Cole once sat and felt tears form in my eyes, I hate this, I hate that I like him.

"Y/n." A soft voice said, my ears were ringing from crying as I felt a hand cup my shoulder.

I softly jumped but didn't look up, "Go away." I sobbed, the hand soon disappeared, I felt a presences next to me. "What's wrong?" I uncovered my arms and leaned my head against my knees looking at him.

"I don't know." Gilbert bit his lip, "Do you possibly like me?" He whispered. I whipped my tears away as I heard that they were still playing the game inside.

"Was the kiss good?" He tilled his head, "You didn't answer my question." He spoke. "You didn't answer mine, so." You argued back.

"Can we just stop this nonsense? We're not little kids anymore, Y/n." You sighed and leaned your back against the wooden wall of the school house.

I ignored him and rubbed my face, he gently grabs my hand and intertwined our fingers. My cheeks burn at the contact as he gently rubbed his thumb over my hand.

"I miss you."

I smiled softly, I felt a little tired of the tears and rested my head against his shoulder, he placed two fingers under my chin. He leaned closer making me turn my head as he pecked my cheeks.

He looked at me disappointed, "You don't want to kiss?" I bit my lips, "I've never kissed before." I whispered.

He smiled warmly and cupped my cheeks, he sat in front of me and leaned closer, I closed my eyes in desire for him to kiss me.

His plum lips who are now red from the cold brushed against mine, his warm lips gently pecked mine as he got chills from the coldness of them.

He pulled back chuckling at my red face, "This cute, I like that I'm you're first kiss, I also hope I will be you're last."

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝙰𝚟𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚎𝚊 𝚊𝚒𝚛|𝙶𝚒𝚕𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚝 𝙱𝚕𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚎Where stories live. Discover now