Chapter 37

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Chapter 37:

8 May 1968


Today was the day. Family dinner with my father since we all found out about his cancer. My brother and I had spoken briefly prior to this on how we thought today would go. As much as we wanted to see Dad, we all internally feared it because we knew we'd break down in front of him.

"Paul, darling, we have to get going soon!" I yelled down to the studio to him.

"Give me a few minutes and I'll be up!" He yelled back. That's always what he said. He spent so much time in our little studio, which was nice compared to him being down at Abbey Road all day.

I went over to grab my purse and the car keys and soon I felt Paul come up behind me.

"Sorry about that, darling. I'm just experimenting around with the new song."

"No, no. Of course. You have no reason to be sorry, I could tell you were really going down there."

"I just feel like I've barely been home lately..." He said with a sigh. "John and I are just tying to get things ready for New York and we've been working on the new songs we wrote in India."

"A lot is going on with work, it's completely understandable. I've been keeping myself busy here. Rose and I have been getting things together for the baby and taking Madelynn out and about." I turned to him. "I also went to the doctor's last week. They want me to come back in tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Why so soon?"

"Since I'm now in my third trimester they want me to come in more often. Because of the circumstances of Mady's early birth they said there's a a higher chance of complications for this pregnancy. But they said not to worry. It's a only a chance and as long as I don't push myself the two of us should be perfectly fine."

"Love.." I saw Paul's face drop. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"You've been in the studio all day and when you get home you're tired. It's obvious you're stressed too. I was waiting for the right time to say something." I took his hand. "Honey, there's no reason to get too worried. I've been resting and taking it easy. Rose has been having me rest and relax. The doctors said as long as I watch myself for the next few weeks that the delivery will be good and we won't have to spend another month or so in the hospital with a preemie again."

He leaned over, giving me a long kiss before leaning down and placing a light kiss on my stomach. "I just want you two to be alright. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you again.."

"Which it won't..This pregnancy will be smooth sailing from here." I went over and grabbed my purse. "Now, come on. We should get going."

"Madelynn, love! We have to get going!" Paul called for her as she came running over with one of her stuffed animals. Her favourite, to be exact.

"Are we bringing Remington, too?"

She nodded vigorously and held him up. "Remmy come!"

Remington (Remmy) was Madelynn's favourite stuffed animal that she's had since she was little. He was this little stuffed back poodle that Alex has bought her when she was a few months old. Alex named it himself. But since she was little Remmy was her absolute favourite. He came with us almost everywhere.

"I think Remmy will have a great time at family dinner." Paul said as he picked up Madelynn. "Shall we, love?"

From there the three of us drove over to my parent's house.

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