Chapter 36

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Chapter 36:

March 1968


Paul and the lads had been in India for a couple of weeks now. I was originally going to go, but between my doctor and Paul they felt it was best that I didn't travel much. He's not very fond of being there while I'm home alone, but I have Rose and the others so it does help a bit.

He and John had made up at the beginning of the year. I was still a bit hesitant, but John did apologise.

Currently I was out with Lily shopping for the babies. We were meeting Charlie and Mady for lunch later on.

"Which outfit do you like better?" She asked, holding up two different outfits for the baby.

"They're both so cute. I can't decide."

"Ugh, Addie! You're supposed to help me pick these things!"

"Why do you have to choose? Why don't you buy one and I'll buy one?" I took one of the outfits from her and put it in my shopping bag. "See? Simple."

She just rolled her eyes and smiled. "We've bought so much for my little one we haven't really got much for yours! I feel so bad!"

"This is your first, you're excited. It's okay. And you're much closer to your due date than I am. My nephew will be here before you know it."

"We both think it's a boy too. Charlie's thrilled. He went a little overboard with the nursery already."

"It'll be exciting to have a little boy running around! I'm glad for you two."

"What do you think you're having this time around? You look bigger this time."

"I think we're having a boy too. Paul's already thinking of names. I kind of wanted Mady to have a little sister, but I'll be happy either way." I said as I picked out a few outfits for the baby.

"How's she doing with the idea of a new baby in the house?"

"She hasn't really had much of a reaction yet. We mention the baby and she just looks at us with this blank stare." I shrugged. "I'm a bit nervous. Alex didn't really react well when Mum and Dad brought me home, I'm afraid she'll be the same way."

"Oh, you worry too much. I think she'll be excited to have someone new to play with."

"I hope you're right.."

The two of us continued to shop for a while before we met up with Charlie and Mady for lunch. After lunch they took Mady as I went to meet my publisher.

"Thank you for meeting with me, Mrs. McCartney."

"Of course." I sat across from him.

"So I just wanted to go over last minute details before we go to publish." He said as he handed me a printed copy of the book. "Here's what it will look like. Just look it over to make sure it's what you want. This is just a rough test copy."

I picked up the book, slowly flipping through it. I couldn't believe that this was finally happening. "It looks perfect."

"Are you sure you want to go with your maiden name? You'll most likely sell more if you use your married name."

"Yes, I'm 100% sure. I began this book before I got married and so I feel that it's best. I don't want the book to be popular because of my husband's surname, I want people to buy the book because they like it."

"If that's what you really want."

I looked at the book again. Should I use my married name? Paul did seem a bit surprised when I told him I was going with Mitchell instead of McCartney. And he was the one who sent this in for me..

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