A Peralta Guarantee

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"Your late peralta..."

said holt, not even lifting his head to know it was him.His soft panting gave it away. Everyone was sitting in the briefing room, once again waiting on Jake like every other day.

"What's your excuse now pineapples?" said Amy, now crossing her arms and raising one of her eyebrows.

"Not this time Santiago. Today is the day I finally fully admit that I slept in."

"Excuse me sir, we are looking for a guy called Jake peralta, not Mr honesty. Have you seen him around?" said Gina

"Very funny, but you guys should be very proud of me. Now if you may... I would like a round of applause"

The room fell silent and faces were dipped in sarcasm. Jake then places his two hands on his hips and shook his head up and down, glancing his eyes around the room.

"I get it... You guys don't care"

"Someone please give him a gold star" replied Rosa, rolling her eyes and placing her thick black boots on the grey metal desk in front.

"Peralta just sit down" said holt

Jake rolled his eyes and dragged his feet to the chair next to Charles.

"It's okay jakey. I'm proud of you"

"... Thanks." he replied, not meaning it.

Raymond then cleared his throat, catching everyone's attention in the room.

"Good morning. Today you will be all glad to hear that there are no major cases and other police departments will be taking over collecting perps. So you will all be doing written work at your desks till 4pm sharp."

Everyone filled the room with disappointment and groaning.

Except from Amy, who was cheering in excitement. Everyone turned their heads to her and gave her a confused glare.

"What!? There is nothing better than sitting down, feeding the computer with your knowledge and feeling the keys between your fingers and-"

"Keep it in your pants Santiago." gaged Rosa.

"Alright squad that's enough. Dismissed." said holt grabbing his thin layered sheets and tapping then on the wooden podium to make them equally straight, just the way he liked them. In fact, the way he liked everything.


* * *

Jake, Amy, Rosa, Boyle, Gina, Terry and of course hitchcock and scully were all at their desks typing away.

But we all know that hitchcock and scully were just snacking as always.

Jake was so bored out of his mind, that he started to play card games on his computer. But he lost interest cause he didn't really know how to play. He then noticed that the familiar sound of Amy's keyboard was silent.

He moved his body sidewards to see that Amy's head was glued to her phone, making cute warm faces. Jake grabbed one of his chewed pencils and held it in the air.

Aiming high, placing the target.


"OW! What the hell Jake!!!?"

"whatcha do'in? Don't you have lovable work to be doing?" he mocked.

"Funny enough peralta. I didn't bimble about and try to attempt to play cards on my computer."

"How did you know..."

"I know your losing face."

"Oh cool cool cool cool cool... But that's not the point! What are you looking at?"

"Oh um... Just watching a romantic movie on Netflix" she said, moving her head in the other direction

"And what's up with the faces?" said Jake, raising one of his brows

"It's just... These dates. They are so cute!"

"Woah ames. It sounds like you've never went on a date"

"No no, I have. Its just.. Teddy was never like that. He never treated me like this, it was always so boring or bland.... Just like him."

Jake looked at Amy, who seemed upset and embarrassed. He sighed and looked the other way, feeling bad for her.

Then it clicked. A perfect idea.

" Well... Now that your not with him. How about I treat you to a real date?"

Amy shot her head at Jake with shock.

"Jake.. Are you-"

"Before you say anything!! No. I'm just your work colleague who is trying to show you what a real date is"

She stared at him blankly, then tried to hold in her laugh.

"You.. Jake peralta. Take me on a better date, than teddy's?"

"That Is correct Santiago, and I have one rule to set."

Amy then rolled her eyes and lent back on her chair.

"And what would that be?"

"No matter what happens... Your not allowed to fall in love with me"

"Won't be a problem"

In return, he gave her a grin.

"Okay, I'll pick you up at 6:30, sharp! That's a Peralta Guarantee."

"So if this date isn't to the standard I am hoping. I want you to get rid of that car!" she said in disgust

Jake then gasped in shock. Hating Amy's facial expressions while mentioning his chick magnet.

"Alright. But if this night, is a night to truly remember.... Then you Santiago, have to clean my entire apartment. Every little corner."

Amy made a fake yawn at Jake and started to twirl her chair.

"Oh Jake. Unfortunately I would enjoy doing that. You don't need to ask me. So thanks for the free pass"

Jake then had a great idea. So good it will make her want it to be the worst night for her to win.

"Not so fast... If this night isn't to your standards. Then you alone, have to clean my car."

Amy's eyes widened to those words. Her worst nightmare was coming alive.

"That's right... Oh and just to let you know" said Jake, leaning forward and lowering his tone "My baby hasn't been cleaned for 4 years."

She then shivered in disgust

"No no no!" she cried

"Yes yes yes! And I couldn't help to remember that you hate tight spaces... And boy ain't it tight!"

"Fine! Then it's settled!"

"Let the date commence!"

They both shook hands firmly, making strong eye contact. Jake then noticed he was stilling holding onto her hand. He then shot his hand away and sat back down on his chair.

Hiding his blushed face behind his computer.

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