Who invited her?

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There she was, her dark brown eyes were glazing across the room. Every movement she made her beautiful silk hair swung in the air smoothly. Her small peached lips hid her smile that was brighter than the golden sun rays reflecting on the ocean on a early bird morning, it was back. Her natural scent that filled the room, was back.

She was back.

Sophia perez was back, and jake was again falling into a bed of rose petals for her, his deep eyes told it all.

"Her?" Choked amy

"Yeah" he replied

"That's Sophia you remem-"

"I'll be back.." said jake, not pulling his eyes away from her and in the same time shoving his plate to Amy.

"Oh- O-Okay" she said, trying not to drop the paper plate.

She then watched him make his way towards Sophia.

Every step he took, she could feel her friendship break piece by piece.

"Where's he goin'?"

Amy jumped to the sound of Gina's voice, now standing beside her.

"Jesus, you scared me."

"Shame. I must look like you"

"Haha- wait what..?"

"Only joking gurl, you know I love you... Ish." she giggled, bumping her hip with Amy's and making her wobble a bit. "Anyways, whats that sunflower doing here?"

" I don't know, I thought you invited her?" Amy said, sipping away at her drink.

"Me? Never! I haven't even spoke one word to her. Why do you think I called her sunflower?"

"You don't even know her name"

"Thatta girl, now your getting it"

Amy then smugly smiled and rolled her eyes, then placing them on jake. Who was now talking to Sophia and his signature grin was spread across his face..

* * *

Minutes has past and Amy finished her conversation with Holt to grab a drink. She walked across the bullpen to the table and poured the the orange fizzy liquid, turned around and leaned against the table taking slow savoury sips.

Seconds later she pushed her weight up off the desk and walked away, keeping her eyes on the scratched floor. Amy then pulled her eyes up to a subtle gasp and jumped in shock. She accidentally spilt her liquid on Sophia.

"Oh no! I'm so sorr-"

"No, no it's okay" said Sophia, turning round cleaning the bottom of her jeans with a party napkin. Jake then came rushing back with more, dabbing the stain.

"There, good as New" she smiled

"Sorry, I must have dazed out"

"Oh yes, sophia this is.. Um.. " stuttered jake.

"Amy" she said bitterly

Great... He has already forgot my name.


"Ah! Amy! This is Amy"

"I know, we've met before" said sophia

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