Stay With Me.

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Rosa tried as hard to cover her mouth, trying not to breath in the toxic fumes.

"This shit is going to kill my vocals! Ill never be able to sing again... DAMN YOU TEDDY!"

"I don't think you should be worried about singing at the minute! We need to get out" Rosa coughed and choked.

Gina turned around flicking her hair to the other side of her face.

"Look around you rosa, there is nothing in here just give up"

"They're our friends don't you care about them one bit?" she Said regretting asking that question

Gina shuddered feeling like what she was saying was a chore.

"Of course I care a little bit about them but I'm just thinking of the logical situation here. There is literally nothing in here, it's empty!"

"Not everything" replied Rosa slowly. She then pushed her knees closer to her tied hands and began to take off her shoe.

"Right okay, let's not add more smelly fumes please?" Gina gagged.

She began to unzip the side of her boot, struggling, and lifted out a small pocket knife.

"A knife? What weirdo keeps that in their shoe?"

"What type of woman doesn't have a knife?" Rosa replied bluntly

Gina rolled her eyes and began to cough madly. Rosa placed the knife between her two hands and again brought her knees up to her chest and started to slowly cut the thick rope.

"Damn. In a minute I might be seeing fluffy unicorns if we don't get the hell out." Gina moaned as she stared to feel light headed.

"We will get out."

* * *

Amy and jake opened the front door to freedom. The cold air brushed against Amy's wet hair and sent a shiver down her spine. But it felt good.

Jake held onto Amy's arm and waist, guiding her outside. He looked around for a car, he then spotted an old ice cream van. Jake strangely noticed a hose pipe connected to the exhaust while the van engine was running.

Jake then decided to hobble them both over to the van

"Jake what are you doing. There is a perfectly good car over there!"

He didn't say a word. He then reached to the back of the van and acknowledged the pipe. Jake then pounded on the door.

"Hello?" he called putting his ear to the door, then hearing coughing and gagging.

"Jake!?" called Gina.

"GINA!?" Amy yelled . "JAKE! IT'S ROSA AND GINA!"

"Teddy was trying to fucking suffocate them with the fumes!! Guys!" he called "Can you hear me!?"

"Jake! Turn off the engine!" Rosa spoke.

"I don't have the key!"


Rosa then began to cut into the ropes faster. Suddenly it snapped in half and her legs were free. Rosa then grabbed Gina's wrists and began to cut, but struggled as her hands were still tied.

"Ow! Be more gentle please." moaned Gina.

Rosa rolled her eyes and finally cut her free. She threw the rope to the side and started to cut the ropes around her ankles until they also broke.

"Okay, gina. Carefully cut the ropes in the middle here. Try not to kill me, understand?"

"Blah, blah, blah... I've got this babe!"

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