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Amy pierced her eyes open slowly. Just above her, she could feel and see a bold bright light looking down at her, like it was somehow glaring. She tried to open her eyes more to look about, but the light blocked her vision and made everything look like a wet blur.

Her eyes began to close as if they had sticky tape trying to keep them down. A long strip of Amy's black hair was sticking to the side of her cheek while she was trying to get the energy to move it out of the way.

The room seemed empty, but it was filled with different tunes of sounds. A soft beeping noise was in sync with her heart beat and her breathing sounded unusual, it was strangely louder and sounded trapped.

Suddenly Amy's vision started to slowly creep back. The room was becoming familiar, something she has seen before. Amy looked down at her hands, they looked like they were dipped in blue and purple dye. They were wrapped in wires and felt ever so numb. Her left hand was covered in a white sticky tape placed over something that was sitting underneath her swirthy skin.

Her eyes began to follow the Tube and came to stop as she was now looking at a bag full of liquid. Amy's brain was a static mess, but it only clicked.

She was in a hospital room.

But what about everything else? Nothing made sense to her, what ever happened to her was now just a missing page.

Something then became noticeably louder in her ears.

Amy's breathing.

It started to spiral out of control and didn't feel right. The feeling felt like someone was pushing down a heap full of oxygen into her lungs. Like she was drowning in a pool of air.

Panic began to climb in Amy's chest as she felt more and more confused. Amy touched her face in a panic but then felt a rough texture attached to her cheek. She pulled her eyes down and saw that a thick tube was shoved in her mouth. It was taped on her cheek like a leech. Amy began to peel the tape off as the sticky substance pulled on her flesh. The side of her face slightly stung when she ripped it off. Amy immediately pulled the tube out and gasped loudly, feeling her lungs fill with cold, fresh, real air. To her, it felt amazing.

Suddenly a loud beeping noise began to scream from the Machine next to her. It startled Amy not knowing what to do. She then looked to the left of her and saw her own reflection on wide landscape window, where you can see beyond the hospital room. She gasped at the sight as her face looks so dull and pale and had faint bruises.

Bruises she has never saw before.

Just outside she could hear feet slapping against the hospital floor. Suddenly a nurse walked in with complete shock on her face as she stopped at the door just looking at her. Amy made eye contact with her but then didn't hesitate to tear off the drip on her hand and attempted to move her body off the bed, but immediately the nurse jumped into action.

"Oh! Miss Santiago, I need you to remain calm" she said soflty, pushing her body downwards.

Amy then started to feel frustrated and just wanted out. She didn't know where she wanted to go, but all she wanted to do was get out and remember.

Remember... That's all, just remember

She thought to herself as she still continued to pull and push forward on the nurses strength.

Then it clicked.

The missing page was found. The piece of the puzzle was fitted. She remembered everything and the only name she decided to shout was the one who was gone, a restless soul.

"JAKE!!! " She screamed." LET ME GO!!" she continued as she used all her weak strength to push the nurse back.

Amy then swung her legs to the side of the bed, but they were strangely felt weak, dead and numb. But that didn't stop her. She needed to say goodbye. She needed to see jake.

Remember Me//Jake X AmyWhere stories live. Discover now