The Box

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Amy came out of the bathroom after getting changed into her NYPD comfy clothes. Her hair was pinned back into a classic  slick tied pony tail.

She opened the door and jumped to see Rosa standing there with her glaring eyes.

"Um, hey?" said amy

"So you gonna explain?"

"Explain what?"

"The disappearance, the miss calls, teddy. This!" she said, pointing her finger at her plastered wound.

"Like I said it's nothing. I fell." Amy replied, now walking across the bullpen and into the break room.

"What about the miss calls and disappearance?" said rosa. Following behind like a dog.

"Why are you on my back about this!? What am I, five!?" Yelled Amy.

Rosa inhaled deeply and slowly let it all out, controlling her voice to a compassionate tone. But it didn't work.

"Well amy, the way you are acting. Yes I would say your five. You do realize that you are just out of intensive care!? Oh and not to burst your bubble or anything but there is a criminal still out there who got away with this shit, and probably wants to still want you two dead. Cause that's what he wanted in the first place. Right!? So fucking sorry I care Amy!"

Amy felt astounded. Those true words scared her and broke her heart. Rosa does care and she is just being a friend.

She then sat down and one of the seats and sighed.

"Listen. I'm sorry I got my back up. Just- yesterday on my way out. I collapsed"

"Jesus Amy! How?" replied rosa, now sitting down herself

Tears filled her eyes as she tried not to blink. Her throat felt crowded with lumps and her eyes began to sting.

"I just can't escape from the memory" she choked "A car was speeding down the road with bright headlights and I couldn't help but to be reminded of what happened that night. Those sounds rosa. They screamed in my head... They screamed."

"Crash sounds?"

Amy nodded slowly while wiping her tears.

"So when did teddy find you?"

"Just after I collapsed, he took me to his house and looked after me"

"You okay now?"

Amy glanced through the door, seeing jake.

"Yeah. I'm great.. "

* * *

"Hey jake, its Boyle. Whatcha doing?" said Charles, wheeling his chair over

"Nothing really. Captain robot is keeping me on desk duties, so I've been filling out these sheets which I find oddly easy." he said, waving them about.

"Oh those? Those are called cases, you and I used to work on them together sometimes" Charles's then looked up to Jake who froze in confusion. "Never mind. " he said with disappointment, forgetting that jake has no memory what so ever of him.


"God. I am starving" jake said, rubbing his belly as his stomach grumbled for food.

"Oh don't worry. I know the best stall for street meat. I can take you if you want? "

"Oh god, yes please. Some real food instead of that fake crap." he said, pointing at the fruit bowl in the break room.

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