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Rosa screamed at the computer in front and slammed her fist on the keyboard. Holt stood beside her, at the desk and shook his head in disappointment.

"Diaz, slamming the keyboard isn't going to make the information magically appear"

"Well this is bullshit! This Reg plate should have the information to it's rightful owner! The owner who fucking injured my friends!"

"Do you think I haven't established that!? Rosa I know they are currently in critical pain. But we need to keep our heads straight and solve this in other ways. We are police officers for god sake."

"Like what?"

"Diaz. Your the detective."

"And your the captain"

"Gay captain."

"Are you playing the gay card on me?"

"Yas queen" he said, snapping his fingers together.

"Ugh! Fine! Just go find me a map." she huffed while holt was walking away with a grin on his face.

He then suddenly slammed a map of Brooklyn on Rosa's desk. She stood up and spreaded the thin layer of paper and began to guide her pencil down streets and avenues.

" where is it.. Where is it" she mumbled, still tracing her pencil along the small lines. "AH HA! Gates avenue. Where the prick was"

"What exactly is your plan diaz?"

"Well the car was here and the crash happened here" she then score a circle on the map "Now, the car got away. Right?"


"So if we find out where the car went. We can try to link to the traffic camera's and see where that sick son of a bitch went to. But as we already know... He continued down this avenue and say about one mile away there is a T-junction. We just need to know what route he took."

"Left or right.."

"Correct" she replied.

"Well done diaz. Told you can do it"

"Don't go soft on me. Now let's go"

* * *

"Are you sure this is going to work?"

Holt and rosa were now in his office moments later. In front sat his laptop, as Rosa was trying to hack into the CCTV traffic camera's.

"Sure. I used to be a hacker before"

"Jesus christ. You were!?"

"Yeah. There is a lot of things you don't know about me."

"Substantially. Yes.. I agree"

"YES!" Rosa squealed with excitement but then saw holt smirking at her, Rosa lowered her tone "Ah hem.. I mean.. Yes.. We are in"

"What was the car again?"

"Black jeep. Should be coming down this road to this T-junction right about... Now!"

And she was correct. On the screen it showed the black jeep making a stop.

"Left or right asshole.. Left or right" said Rosa, leaning in closer to the screen waiting for the unknown driver to make his decision.

But suddenly the smokey black window scrolled down. Then a hand covered with a black glove poked out of the window holding a gun.

"What the-"

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