Cold Ropes

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"Right you grab his legs i will get his arms. Got it?" hissed Sophia

"Whatever, just make this quick" replied Teddy

"Right on the count of three we will lift him up. One, two th-"

Sophia was then cut off by a knock on the door. Again. Teddy darted his eyes at her and glared.

"Now who the fuck would that be?" he whispered

"I don't know! Do I!?"

"Go answer it then!!"

Sophia rolled her eyes and dropped jakes arms which slapped on the floor.

"Could you be any louder!?" Teddy said gritting his teeth.

Sophia mocked Teddy by moving her hands in a jester of him talking. She then looked through the peep hole to see it was Boyle, jakes best friend.

"It's the stubby man. The one who is friends with Jake" she whispered

"well answer it while I hide him!"

Sophia then unlocked the door and swung the door open.

"Hey! It's Boyle. What's up?"

"Is Jake here? I need to talk to him."

"Uhh..." Sophia looked behind her, keeping the door close to her body and saw Teddy dragging jakes floppy body across the room struggling. "Yeahh.. No he is um, he is sleeping at the moment"

"Oh right. Can you wake him? I need to speak with him"

She then looked behind her again to see that Teddy is still struggling to hide.

"You know I can't. He is really tried. We- We um-" she stuttered not sure what to say until she blurted out the only thing that popped into her head "We had sex! Yep.. Lots of sex.. Uh huh"

Charles looked at her disgusted and shook his head and behind Sophia can here Teddy slapping his face in embarrassment.

"Well, can you let him know I was here and I want to talk?"

"Sure. Yep. Will do. Hehe"

"Great...well. Enjoy your night" said Boyle in a suspicious tone.

Sophia smiled and slowly closed the door. She sighed and pinched her eyes in embarrassment.

"Sex? Really?" spoke Teddy

"Well what great idea do you have genius!?"

"Any other idea without SEX!"

"can we just grab him and go!?"

"Well of course. Let me grab your sex buddy"

Sophia grunted and picked up jakes arms.

"ha ha. Now let's go asshole."

* * *

Jake woke up, feeling his head bobbing side to side. His mouth was covered with a dirty gag and his hands were tied together. In front he could see somone in the passanger and driver seat and ahead a dark road.

"Hmphm!" he spoke, as his voice was muffled. He panicked, trying to break free from the ropes.

"Aww.. Look who is awake." said Sophia turning her body to the back.

"mhipah!?" he said, trying to say her name.

Sophia just laughed and turned her body round again. Jake wasn't sure where he was going or what was going to happen but he knew that all of this wasn't right.

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