Micro Chip

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Amy woke up with her neck feeling stiff and sore. She moved her neck slowly upwards to see her hands were tightly wrapped around a metal pipe. Her body still stood upwards in pain, the only thing she was leaning on was the sandpaper rope locked around her wirsts.

She then gave her hands a wiggle, feeling her cold hands escaping the numbness. Her black dress still remained on but her heels were off. Her last memory was of Teddys ice cold grin. What Amy could figure out she was in his basement.

Tied Trapped and cold.

She looked down at her feet, she was standing on her tipy toes. Her body was stretched and was acheing with pain. She sucked on the gag around her mouth as she moved her body feeling every bone crack. Amy then heard the sound of a door handle being opened. Her heart pounded knowing who was going to step out.

"look who is awake" said Teddy, coming down the stairs

All Amy could do was to watch him come closer and simply do nothing.

"You look rough.." he scoffed, he then came closer inspecting her with his burning eyes. "That black dress seems rather uncomfortable"

He then pulled out a silver kitchen knife, gently tracing it at her chest and down her body.

Amys uncontrollable breathing and scared cries muffled in the gag as she wiggled her body in fear.

"Shshshshhh" he hushed, stroking her face. "Don't be scared, I'm here to help. Now, you gonna be good and stay quiet?"

Amy shook her head slowly, she didn't have a choice anymore.

"Good, now not a word"

Teddy pulled down the gag from her mouth and stood back.


"Not a fucking word." he yelled, pointing the knife.

Amy jumped in a shriek pulling her neck up as the  knife was just ever so close to her throat.

"You know Amy. I'm disappointed that you had to find out this way. But I guess the sooner the better" he said, pacing backwards and forwards, twisting the knife on the tip of his finger.

"What do you mean the sooner-"

Teddy then charged at her, he grappled her face and smoshed her cheeks hard. His face grew with anger and he gritted his teeth.

"What did I SAY?"

"N-not a word" Amy stuttered

"Excatly, now get that into your fucking head" Teddy then released his hand from her face "

Amy has never seen this side to Teddy. She was scared to death, she no longer remembered the sweet boring talk Teddy. No matter how boring he was, she never wanted that side back more. She then watched Teddy grab something from the side of the room.

"You know what this is?"

Amy looked at it, squinting her eyes. It seemed to be a thick needle. But not just any needle, not a needle a doctor would use.

"This is a micro chip, and do you know what this micro chip does"

Amy sttod there in thought.

Oh. Fuck.

Amy remembered one of the books she had read about crime had an incident with a micro chip. That in front of Amy was what he held in his hand.

"And do you know what this does Amy? Let me answer for you. You will be under my control, this chips can go off anytime by me clicking this button. You will be gone."

Amys heart was pounding so hard, she could almost feel it ripping out of her.

"That can't be real! It can't be!"

"Trust me... Its real. I've been working on this for over a year now. I've had help. Let me show you a demonstration"

Teddy then went over to the side of the room and unraveled a cover from a cage. Inside remained a red eyed rat.

"Now, this rat has already been implanted with one. With this button here, let's just say he won't necessarily be a rat." he grinned "Ready?"

Amy eyes started to tear up.

"One... Two.. Show time!"

Teddy hit the button and the screech of the rat cut off ever so closely as she could here a gruesome pop. She closed her eyes shut and weeped.

"Not real it's not real..."

"Ames... Its real" he grinned, coming closer

"No, no i-"

Amy then watched him pierce her skin with the thick silver needle at the neck. Her body tensed and she gritted her teeth together, sucking in. The pain was something she hasn't felt before.

"Now wasn't that easy?"

Amy spat on his face and gave him an evil disgusted glare. Teddy wiped the saliva off his face and freakishly laughed, as his tone began to grow louder.

"Your cute when you are mad"

"What are you going to do with me?" Amy said.

"Good question ames, what am I going to do?" he smirked "Well what I've always been planning. For you to provide the things I want and I want you."

"So you were in the car..?"

"Ding ding ding ding! Very smart santiago"

"Why? Why do it!?"

"Plans don't always go the way you want them... But I'll discuss that when company arrives. For now, I'm going to take you to the precinct and you are going to explain how you still need time off and If I hear one word of you saying anything about me or how you are in danger in any way. Welll.." he said, shaking a romote device." I'm sure you know what will happen"

Amy had no idea how evil Teddy was. Her heart was thumping like mad and her body began to shake.

And what did he mean by company?

* * *

Jake and Sophia were relaxing on the sofa watching tv. Sophias head lay on Jakes chest as she could feel and hear the soft risings of him breathing and above, jake played with her soft brown hair, falling half asleep.

"Tired peralta?" she said.

"Im alright, its only 11pm"

"Well your eyes tell a different story, you-"

Suddenly a knock came from the door. Sophia looked up at jake confused.

"Neighbours maybe?" he said

"I don't know. Can you get that for me while I go to the bathroom?"


Sophia got up and walked into the other room. Jake pushed his body up and dragged his feet to the door, opening it.

"Hey, she-"

Jake was then smuggled with a cloth, he kicked and squirmed but it was no use, his eyes became heavy until he was slipping on the floor.

"huh.. That was easier than I thought. I guess he has forgotten all his cop tactics" said Teddy.

"Oh trust me... He has forgotten a lot" smirked Sophia.

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