Sick And Twisted

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"She's not even picking up her phone. Neither is jake" groaned Rosa as she slammed in another gulp of her beer.

Terry, Gina, Boyle and Rosa sat in shaws bar. Outside was howling with wind and drumming with rain.

"Rosa they don't always need to answer their phone. Just leave them, they clearly need the space" replied Terry, placing her phone down.

"I know when something is wrong sarge. Me and amy are like.. Ugh! It doesn't matter."

"Aww.. Terry you scared Rosa's soft side away!" said Gina, slapping Terry's arm.

"Well jake is probably still busy with Sophia" said Boyle as he sighed and looked the other way.

"what's he doing with Sophia?" questioned Rosa. Boyle just turned his head and gave her a specific glare.

"OOoh. Amy now jake!? Damn these two are riding the train!" laughed Gina.

"Amy too? With who?" said Terry.


"Teddy? Since when was he back in the picture."

"Ever since prince charming saved the day..." said Rosa as she did jazz hands with a mocking voice "I've always hated him. Somethings not right"

"You hate everyone Rosa, nothing new there" said Gina.

"No, this is a hate hate. Not just a simple hate"

"Alright, but you always feel like there is something wrong"

"This is Amy I'm talking about! Of course I care and feel there is something wrong. You saw the burns on her wrist Gina!"

"Yeah, last time I heard it was from teddy's kink? Explains a lot" Gina scoffed.

"I don't wanna hear anymore of this! I gotta go home. I need to put Cagney and lacey to bed. I'll see you all tomorrow." Terry said, leaving his trash behind and walking out into the lashing rain.

"Well if none of you guys are going to believe me, then I'm going over to apartment to check on her." said Rosa, now standing up and placing on her thin leather jacket.

"I'll come" replied Gina.

"You? Coming to Amy's?"

"I wanna see what I can steal."

Rosa stood staring into the void as her tounge stayed sucking  on the top of her teeth.

"Yeah okay makes sense" she said shrugging her shoulders. "Boyle you coming?"

"I-i will catch up with you later guys." he said timidly

"Alright, Dope. Let's go Gina."

* * *

Jake and amy, stuck in a room. A room where yet the only sound of  heavy rain drops smacked against the roof above as the faint noise echoed. The room was filled with a cold whisper and a shocking cold chill. Fingertips were cold and lips were almost blue. The only heat that was radiant was the sandpaper burn on their wrists as they both continued to pull and tug for hours, but slowly were giving up hope.

They felt weaker and weaker by the second as their stomachs growled for food and the desperate thirst of water. Their lips were dry as the sun and their faces were gaunt. The pain was becoming something that was just numb to them.


"Yeah?" replied Amy as she stopped trying to untie the ropes above and turned her head to jake.

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