Hide And Seek

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Teddy's eyes twitched as he slowly indicated into his driveway pulling the break as fast as ice. Gina's head whacked against the side of the boot pulling Rosa down with her.

"Damn, what the hell are you doing back there?" Said Gina in a sarcastic tone

"Gina knock it off! We need to get out of here"Whispered Rosa.

Gina huffed with a synchronisation of an eye roll.

Suddenly the car shook with a sound of a slam. Beyond the boot Rosa could hear feet crunching and scraping against gravel and gradually getting closer to the boot. A small click awakened, suddenly the cold crisp air collided with the the musty stuffy air within the boot.

Teddy stood in front of them still and steady. Rosa and Gina both looked slowly at each other wondering what he was doing.

Silence stayed for 10 seconds while Rosa had the clenching Instinct to kick him in the crotch and run, but just as she was eyeing out her situation, she glared at his gun and continued to stay silent.

"Uhh... this is taking forever! Listen buddy if you're gonna kill us can you do it now because at least I'll die looking pretty"

Just before Gina could finish Teddy smacked her head on her knee making her nose begin to bleed.

"Hey, don't fucking touch her!" Shouted Rosa, shuffling like a fish.

"Well.. I guess I'm not dying pretty then" said Gina trying to stop her nose from bleeding.

"Pathetic" Teddy grumbled, grabbing the tightly strapped ropes around Gina's wrists and pulled her out of the boot, thumping onto the ground where small stones pierced into her skin. Teddy dragged her further away from the car.


Rosa then rolled herself out of the open boot and smacked on the ground, along with a howling groan. Teddy continued to drag Gina behind him, further and further away. He then let go of the ropes and let her flop slightly.

He made eye contact with Rosa who was shuffling on the ground, and growled with laughter as he took careful steps towards her. He made a stop and went down on his knees, picking her up by her tied wrists and pulling her close to his face.

"Believe me when I say this" he said, coming closer to her ear "Make one mistake... You'll forever regret your actions"

Rosa didn't care what he said. Scary? She doesn't even know what that means to her, not anymore. She took the chance to headbutt him straight in the face. But nothing happened to him... Not even a blink of an eye.

"Now that wasn't very lady like was it?" Said Teddy trying to keep his anger within.

He pushed himself up, not letting go of Rosa's wrists, and dragged her along the floor. Rosa kicked and squirmed but his grip just tightened. He then grabbed Gina as he finally came to her, and dragged her too.

Teddy used all his force to pull these two bodies behind, one step after the other, digging his heels in deep. Teddy released his hands and opened two doors of a van. The old ice cream truck. His uncover car where Amy was previously in.

The doors croaked in a rusty ring and slammed to a stop. Rosa shuffled on the floor trying to move away, but teddy stood on her like a worm and picked her up and threw her into the van.

Rosa positioned herself and saw Gina getting thrown in as well.

"You stupid bitches, you've just made it worse for your friends" whispered Teddy

Rosa largely opened her eyes realising what he was talking about.

"Jake, Amy! What have you done to them!?" Screamed Rosa.

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