The Apartment

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"Hey sweetie!" said Genevieve , pulling him in planting a kiss on boyles cheek.

"Hey" he replied, with a dull response.

"Hard day?" she asked.

"I think i-"

"Papa!!" yelled nikolaj, spreading his small arms and pounced forward into his dad. Boyle catched his joy and twirled him as he giggled. He then placed his hand over the back of his head and held him tight.

"Daddy!" he giggled pushing at his chest "You can let go! You need to read the story!"

"I'll be there in a minute" he said, placing him down and watched him run into his room.

"You sure your okay hun?"

"Yeah.. Fine."

* * *

"Gina! For the last time! Leave the god damn radio alone!!"

"Never! This music is literally making my ears bleed." Gina cried.

"The hell to Beyonce! I don't want to listen to her crap!"

"Never shame my god! I dont even wanna listen to this screeching rock! So let's give what my ears want."

Gina then connected her phone with a wired device, and played her music, turning up the volume higher and higher.


she then mouthed "i can't hear you" while pointing to her ears and swayed to the beat. Rosa then took her hand off the wheel and pushed the power button, shutting the music off.

But immediately Gina switched it back on, along with a giggle.

"Your like a child!" said Rosa, again switching it off. But Gina looked at her with a smug. "Touch it... I dare ya."


One push of Gina's finger and the music again turned on and blasted through the car.

"THAT'S IT!" Rosa screamed as she ripped Gina's phone out of the radio, rolled down the window and forcefully chucked it out into the cold dark. In the distance you could hear a faint crack.

Terrifyingly Gina screamed so loud, Rosa almost became deaf and almost lost control of the car.



Gina then opened the side car door, then a sudden burst of whizzing wind broke through.


Rosa hit the breaks while trying to keep the car in control, pulling the wheel sideways as hard as she could. The car slid slightly to the right and glided to a stop.

They both got their faces smothered with cold air bags. Rosa was panting heavily in fear and fixed her hair. She looked beside her to see Gina running out the car.

"HEY!!" Rosa replied, unbuckling her Seatbelt and ran after her. "ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY!!?"

Ahead in the dark, Gina ran until she found her phone and screamed dramatically, falling to her knees.

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