Love You Too

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"Wait what!?"

"This is a night I'm truly going to remember jake"

"What night?"


"Who the fuck are you?"


"AHHH!!" Amy jolted awake in fear, falling off the sofa and smacking her head on the side of the coffee table. Her breathing was uneasy and her cheeks were flustered.

She felt something small drip on the side of her face, feeling a slight throb close to her eye. Amy poked her finger on were it was sore, wincing at the slight sting and gritted her teeth together.

"Great. Blood... Just what I want to see.."

"Amy!?" called Teddy as she almost forgot she was in his house

"Down here..." she said in embarrassment

"Jesus, what are you doing down there!? I heard you scream"

"Listen. I'm fine can you just pass me a cloth please?"

Teddy scurried to the kitchen and snatched a cloth, wetting it and rushing back to Amy who was now standing.

"Bad dream or-"

"Nothing. I'm fine, I'm just going to clean up"

He then put his hands up in the air, stepping back. Amy slowly walked past him and into the bathroom. The first thing she was greeted to was her own reflection. Her eyes were caked in mascara and her lips were painted a dark red. She licked her lips, tasting rich wine.

Red wine?
She thought not having a clue
What the hell was I doing drinking wi- Oh. My. God.

Amy remembered.
The kiss..

She squinted her eyes and shook with embarrassment.

"Oh my god I'm such a idoit! Come on Amy!" she whispered, synchronised with a face palm.

Suddenly a knock came from the door, along with a muffled voice.

"Ames? You alright in there"

"I'm okay"


Amy dabbed her cut with the cold wet cloth as it collected tiny segments of blood. Every time the cloth contacted her skin she inhaled strongly through her teeth.

I need something to clean it..

Amy raced through the cupboards and finally found wound spray. Without even knowing better she sprayed it on the wound.

"FFFUUU-ahh oH sweet mama!"


She opened the door, greeting Teddy with a painful smile.

"What up bro?-"

"You okay?"

"Listen. About last night- I didn't mean-"

"Before you carry on. It's okay. You fell asleep it was all a misunderstanding."

"You sure? Cause I'm pretty sure I was on drink number 4"

"Trust me. It didnt mean to go that way"

"Oh thank god, cause I thought you would've hated me"

Remember Me//Jake X AmyWhere stories live. Discover now