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"Nala Khalia White bring yo ass on!"

"Bitch calm yo ass down damn, I'm coming." She finally walked her big headed ass downstairs.

"Yo ass stay taking 20 years to get ready like niggas ain't got places to be." I said walking towards the door.

"First of all lower ya tone, second looking like this takes time, and we ain't going nowhere but the mall."

"That's about to close in two hours and we planned on going three hours ago." I looked at her.

"Just c'mon."


"So y'all just acting like it never happened?" Nala asked as we walked out of PINK.

"I am, but I don't know what he doing we just haven't talked about it." I shrugged.

"Speaking of the damn devil there he go and with the pet." She pointed making me look over at the food court.

"Let's go over there." We started walking over to where they were and I seen Tamia look over and roll her eyes.

"Hii bestfriend." I hugged him.

"Wassup." He hugged me back.

"Damn that's it no lil mama or you tryna touch on me damn, you act brand new around the pet I see. Hey Tamia." I smirked and waved at her.

"Hi." She fake smiled then rolled her eyes.

"Hi king." Nala said.

"Sup Liah." He nodded his head.

"What you doing here?" I asked King.

"He clearly here with me." Tamia rolled her neck and then grabbed his arm.

"Okay, but did I ask you?" I raised my eyebrow.

"I was just letting you know since you came over here and act like you don't see me with him."

"Dominic tell yo dog to stop barking at me before my hands bark back." I looked up at him then back at her mugging.

"No King tell your bestfriend to go somewhere coming over here starting with me." She said putting emphasis on bestfriend.

"Tamia chill out." He said starting to look irritated.

"How you telling me to chill out, your girlfriend, but she over here coming at me." She looked up at him.

"We not the same, he don't even claim you when I bring you up." I laughed.

"Karma." He said.

"Bitch bye, this my nigga and you're mad you can't have him miss me." Tamia rolled her eyes.

"Watch that bitch word, and ain't nobody worried about you because if I wanted him I could have him trust."

"Yea ok, bye you're dismissed." She waved me off.

"I'll go but before I do one more thing." I said before grabbing Kings shirt and kissing him.

He kissed back and I deepened the kiss adding tongue before pulling away and smirking.

"Y'all have a nice day, c'mon Nala." I turned around seeing her mouth dropped before she bust out laughing.

Tamia was standing there mad before grabbing King and walking away.

"Why you do that?" Nala laughed as we started leaving.

"Her ass thought she was doing something and I had to let her know wassup." I smiled.

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