3: Leukemia

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Arima Kousei POV:

"Sadly, John...," spoke Arima Satoru, my grandfather on my mom's side after I had a lot of medical tests. "He has Acute Child Leukemia but the cause cannot be told. He may have been exposed to some kind of radiation when he was in captivity. We have to rehabilitate him and make sure he gets over his Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, too."

"I just... I can't believe my son will really be so sick," he told him. "You're a medical oncologist. Will he be treated?"

"We can save him, of course. His cancer hasn't yet reached his brain," he answered him. "He would be in a series of many chemotherapy sessions."

"Thank you, sir," he told him. "I'd leave him in your care. I can return to work here if you want."

"No, John," my grandfather smiled at him. "You'll have to be with him."

I sat on my bed and asked my father, "Do I really have cancer, Dad?"

"That's the truth," he replied to me. "You have cancer, son."

"Can my friends visit me? I want to see them as I miss them so much," I told my father. "They still consider me a friend, right? I don't even know what month is, now."

"You want them to visit you?" he asked me in surprise.

"They're still my friends, right?" I cried out to her.

"Of course!" he told me. "I'll call them here."


Ryota, Tsubaki, and Kaori stared at me pitifully after they saw me inside my hospital room. I have a lot of IV Bags hanging next to me, a painful needle attached on my right hand, a heart monitor clip, and I also have a nasal cannula wrapped around my nose. I know that I look thin, pale, and my eyes were just too tired.

"We didn't expect to see you back like this," Ryota said to me. "We heard you were rescued but your father limited the visitors when you were here last week and then, we learn back again that you're admitted in a cancer ward."

"Do you really have cancer?" Tsubaki asked me while I look at her teary eyes. "I don't want you dying on us, Kousei. You have to survive this."

"I have cancer," I replied to her while I grip my blue hospital shirt. "It's hard to swallow but that's the truth."

"I know you just met me last April and I believe I can't keep lying to you. I also gave a lie to Ryota. He accepted the truth," Kaori began. "I like you, Arima Kousei. I hope you don't stay away from me just because of what I feel for you."

I swallowed a lot of saliva and I knew I have to look away. I became too ashamed to stare at her as I knew I'm thinking about her while I was being used by some women when I was abducted and by just staring back at her, I lusted at her. I wanted to taste her body and make her moan but I can't hurt or rape her. It's not her job to be a sex worker like I was before I was rescued.

"Thank you for coming here but I need you to go," I told them. "For now, please stay away from me as I can't trust myself yet. I believe my state of mind is too traumatized."

"Are you sure, Kousei?" Tsubaki asked me as she stepped closer to me. I had to close my eyes and I had to rope my hands tight using a handkerchief to stop me from hurting them. "We want to stay and look after you."

"Tsubaki and Kaori, stay away from me," I warned them. "I'm a present danger to both of you for now."

"Danger?" Kaori asked me.  "What are you talking about?"

"You know what I was! I miss it! I know that it's wrong but my body wants to have it!" I'm losing my breath as I scream. "It's wrong I asked you to come here! I can't even feel my connection with you anymore!"

I knew that while I was screaming, nurses would come running inside to help me calm down.

My father also rushed inside and when I had felt his heat radiating on his hands when he held me, I began crying on his shoulders while my nurses gave me sedatives.

Slowly, I felt the effects of my medicine and it automatically made me feel so empty. I stopped crying and I just had felt blank emotions as they laid me down the bed and cover me with a blanket.

"He had panic attacks, sir," explained the female nurse wearing white to my father who's brushing my hair to keep me calmed down. "You'll all have to get out of his room. I had to immediately report back to his psychologist about what happened. I am sure he will agree with me that he can't have any visitors yet except his relatives and ward."

As my eyes were closing, I watched my friends all go out of my room. A tear streaked down my eyes as I had felt so heavy. I hate being sick, and I hate having cancer.

It could have been better if I pass away, right? Will I pass away?

I want to get out of my earthly shell.

I hope my mom just takes me with her already.

I wanted to badly rest my aching body but I don't know when it will happen.

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