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It had been about 30 minutes since everyone had fully woken up, and they were chatting and hanging out as always on break days. Only a few of them had noticed that Four was gone, and even fewer of them noticed Bubble, Ruby, and Lightning were gone. One of those objects went to ask X what happened.

"H-hey, X?" X turned around to face non-other than Cake himself. Cake looked a bit shy, but doesn't he always?

"Hm? What's up Cake?"

"...Didn't you notice that Four is gone? If you did, do you know what happened?"

"I did notice actually, and i think them, Bubble and Ruby went to look for someone, but i forgot who."

"Oh... when do you think they'll be back?"

"Probably not for a while."

"OK! Thanks X!"

"N-no problem..."

Cake happily skipped back to his team once he got his answer. He wanted to warn his team about this. He told Leafy first. He snuck up behind her...


Leafy jumped and looked behind herself.

"Oh- Hi Cake! you scared me, man!"

"That was the point!" They both laugh for a second before Cake changed the subject.

"A-anyway, i wanted to tell you something important, and im not sure if you know this already or not. Lightning is missing, and Four along with Bubble and Ruby went to go look for him!"

"Oh, I kinda knew that already, but i kinda needed to clear some things up about it. So thank you! Should we tell the rest?"

"Yeah, why not?"

The news quickly spread among them all. Some of them were worried, and some of them didn't care. Iance was the most effected. They were confused on why Lightning just left, or maybe... something took him? No, not possible, it could have only happened the night before. He HAD to have left, but why? where was he going?

Everyone was so caught up in the confusion that they didn't even notice a certain 3 objects returning back from their trip with no success. 

"ALRIGHT GUYS, STOP THE CHITTER CHATTER." A laser was shot through the air like before, and everyone stopped talking.

"So i can tell that the news has been spread about Lightning. Very tragic, i know."

Ruby chimed in. "We weren't able to find him, ok? He must have traveled quite a distance!"

Murmurs of worry started to rise from the group as Four put a finger up to Ruby's mouth, shushing her.

"Please let me do the talking next time."

"Oh, sorry!"

The day had gone by, and still no sign of Lightning. Iance was worried sick by this point. They didn't really have more time to mourn about the disappearance of him though, since it was night time. Four has just launched a laser meaning it was time to rest. Everyone gathered in their groups and lied down... Four, meanwhile, had finally calmed down about the "weird feeling" thing, even though the bad feeling was still inside him somewhere. What if Lightning had something to do with it? No... it was just a coincidence. We'll find him in the morning.

Lightning, meanwhile, wasn't doing so good.

He was sitting on the ground, laying against a tree in the woods. He had cuts and scratches all over himself, some coming from himself, and others from sharp branches smacking into his face as he flew. Usually he'd be careful not to hit any, but he was definitely not his normal self. Something was wrong with him. His eyes were bloodshot red, he wasn't able to sleep for the past week, but he refused to tell anyone. Actually, he COULDN'T tell anyone. He wasn't able to talk. He was miserable. Something was controlling him...

He suddenly started coughing. He kept doing so until he eventually spat up blood. His body shook from the pain, this thing controlling him had starved him for a week. He kept coughing, his vision going blurry.

He slammed his eyes shut... or maybe the thing controlling him made him do that. He had absolutely no clue by this point. He noticed that he started to twitch, and his hands gave out little spasms once in a while. He wasn't gonna survive this. He would have to give his body up to the controller.

He could feel the darkness swallow him...

His body went limp.


A couple minutes went by, and Lightning sat there, blood dripping from his mouth. Then his eyes shot open and darted around. The color of his eyes went from dark red- bloodshot- to bright red, filled with evil. He started to laugh as a grin spread across his face, showing sharp teeth. He then floated up slowly.

The new Lightning knew exactly what his goal was.

He darted like a rocket in between the trees of the forest, and soon found his way into the grasslands, carrying a psychotic smile the entire way. He flew across the grassland at a speed that no-one would be able to catch up to, not even Four. He came to a halt once he hear snoring. He peered around a tree, and there the group was, sleeping helplessly.

"Bingo." Lightning said in a rather raspy and low voice. "But who should be my first victim..."

He silently flew over to Iance, and looked at team. Which one would help him spread this virus the most? Which one was strong enough to get the job done...

"...Ah... perfect."

He swiftly lowered himself down to Snowball's level, and bit into the top of his head ever so slightly, trying not to wake him. He ripped a small chunk off, and then spit this venom-like substance where the chunk used to be.

"Now i just gotta wait until all of it soaks into him... then he should be infected." Lightning thought as he floated into the trees, waiting for morning to rise.


yes while lightning was dead he kinda evolved this thing where he could spit venom

dont ask because i dont know how either, this is literally just a fanfic

anyway yeah enjoy


(not my best work) Infection: A BFB FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now