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Coiny and X semi-carried Pin deeper into the forest, slowly but surely. She still couldn't stand without support and she definitely still couldn't run. Non of them thought that the effects of the thorn would last this long.

They walked for a few hours, occasionally stopping and taking breaks. They couldn't exactly tell the time, but they guessed it was around 11.

Coiny noticed that the farther they walked, the less and less trees there were. He was sure they were reaching the end of the forest. He looked around and noticed a huge field of flowers not too far away. Beyond that, the trees were more tightly packed together. So it wasn't the forest apparently, just a field. But he wasn't complaining, he knew exactly what they could do.

"Guys! Look! Over there!" With his free arm, Coiny pointed toward the field. The other two looked. "We can stop there for now."

They turned towards the field and picked up their pace, excited that they could finally take a break for real.

Leafy woke up to the same feeling of warmth surrounding her from last night. She loved it... it made her feel safe in this massacre. As she opened her eyes she saw Firey- who apparently woke up before her- gazing at her with a friendly and comforting look. 

"Hey, looks who's finally awake," he said softly.

Leafy looked around, pretending to be confused. "Who, me?" she said before giggling.

Firey laughed with her, and then held her hand. "Well, we better get up, huh?"

"Aw mannnn. 5 more minutes please?" They both laughed again.

"Oh ok, fine."

Pin, Coiny, and X made their way through the trees and arrived in the field. They sat down next to the closest tree, and Pin began examining her foot. It was no longer bleeding, but still hurt. She still doubted that she would be able to stand.

They sat for a while before Coiny looked around and noticed two figures laying in the grass under a tree just like them. They seemed to be... hugging? Were they dead?

Coiny squinted, trying to pick up details. he eventually saw that they were breathing, so no. Not dead. Upon further inspection, he noticed that they were both asleep. But who were they and why were they doing that?

"Guys? Do you see that?"

Pin and X looked over to where Coiny was looking and saw the same thing. X apparently had pretty sharp eyesight because he immediately said "Oh. That's Firey and Leafy."

"Waitwaitwoah, WHAT? I thought Firey forgot about Leafy??!"

"Apparently not."

Just then, a thought appeared in Coiny's mind. He smirked evilly.

"I mean, we might as well wake them up right?"

"I dunno, maybe we should just let them sleep-"

"X, it's around 11 in the morning, and if we wanna get away from these infected things, then they need to start as early as they can. So im just helping them."


Before X could say anything else, he found himself and Coiny carrying Pin over to the fire and the leaf, Coiny keeping that smug look on his face the entire way.

Once they got to the two, Pin sat down in the grass while Coiny walked up to them. He whispered to Pin and X to be quiet.

Coiny stood above the two of them for a second before taking a deep breath and shouting-

"FIREY AND LEAFY SITTING IN A TREE, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!!!!!!" at the top of his lungs.

Firey and Leafy woke up, and Leafy screamed. Firey immediately recognized Coiny, shot up, and slapped him as hard as he could.

"OW- Heh, doesn't matter! It was worth it!" he started laughing while Firey stared at him in rage.

Leafy slowly got up and put a hand on Firey's shoulder. "Hey, let it go. it's pretty much my fault for telling us that we shouldn't get up..."

"Yeah, but it's HIS fault for... you know what... fine." Firey unclenched his fists and sighed. "Anyway, why did you do that?"

"Well, it's pretty late in the morning, and i was thinking that if we're gonna get out of this forest we might as well wake you up right now so you can get more hours of the day to run away."

"Yeah that's valid."

"Anyway uh, Pin? Can you stand?"

"Maybe, uh..."

Pin stood up and winced as soon as she put pressure on her injured foot, but she was still able to stand. She couldn't really get anywhere without limping though...

"I can stand, but not run."

"Oh, that's ok, we can just carry you again! Anyway, if you guys wanna avoid being infected, we should probably go now."

"Oh, alright!"

The Five of them walked out of the field, and immediately began running as soon as they got into the forest part. Firey and Leafy almost forgot how many trees there were from being in an almost tree-free place for quite some time.

They all thought about what it would be like once they escaped this hell-hole. They would finally reach the other side and be safe from all of the infected who would all still be roaming the forest, lost. They were sure those dumb zombies wouldn't be able to find their way out.

But they all forgot that...

One of them could fly.

And that flying object just so happen to be following them, tracking their every move.

This object was determined to end them all, no matter how long it took. Well, as long as it was before the virus uninfected everyone. Then, if he succeeded, the virus would NEVER pass over. They would all be stuck like that forever.... then they would go on to infect other object shows. Who knows what'll happen then?

"Keep hoping, it wont do you any luck. Ill always be watching."


lightning please


thats all i request from you, just dont

anyway c h a p t e r

and fireafy because i love it

ok bye


(not my best work) Infection: A BFB FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now