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The orange and red objects hid under a bush, holding each other close. They were terrified that whatever made that loud sound would find them and hurt them. They heard leaves rustling from behind them... the orange one was sure that they were dead.

That's when a familiar yellow shape appeared from the other side of a tree.

"...X?" The orange one called out.

"C-Coiny? Where are you?" X called back.

"Im with Pin. We're over here!" Coiny stepped out of the bush and waved his arms. X turned around.

"Oh!" X ran over to them. "What are you doing so close to the beginning of the forest? You guys shoulda ran farther!"

"Well, what are YOU doing so close to the beginning of the forest?"

"Im here checking if everyone got far enough into the forest to the point where it would be hard for the infected to find them. Looks like i found SOMEONE who didn't."

"Guys, stop fighting!" Pin came out of the bush and stood by Coiny. "Let's just uh, go right now!"

Pin yanked on Coiny's arm and started running, making Coiny stumble and yelp. He quickly caught up with her as X ran after them.

"Ill come with you guys, i don't think anyone else is here!"

As they ran, they came across more of the infected. Most of the infected weren't as smart as Four, and they usually couldn't hear them running.

But two of them, eventually, saw them, and immediately started chasing them. The three started panicking.

"Coiny, Pin, keep running! Ill try to fight them off!"

"I thought you didn't like violen-"


The two objects continued running while the variable slowed their pace. It looks like he was up against... Golf Ball and Woody. 

X thought this was still going to be somewhat easy at first until he saw that they had... claws? SINCE WHEN?

Well, he knew that this wasn't gonna go well. But he cant just back away now....

He has to win this. For them.

Coiny and Pin's lungs burned, but they had to keep running if they didn't want to die. They had to get to someplace safe even though they had no clue where they were going at all. Coiny noticed that Pin had started to fall behind

"Pin, c'mon!"

"Im trying, but- OW!"

Pin all of a sudden collapsed, holding her foot.

"Pin, what- OH."

Pin has somehow stepped on a huge thorn, and she was starting to bleed a little. Coiny could see that she was shaking.

"Maybe you can try and... pull it out?"

Pin grabbed the thorn and tried to slowly pull it out, but it was in pretty deep. After a second, she whimpered and let go of it.

"I can't, it hurts too much..."

"Do you want me to try?"

"I guess but, please, don't-"

Coiny grabbed onto the thorn and yanked it out as hard as he could. Pin flinched.

"...Don't just... yank it... ouuuuut...."

"Oh. Well, at least it wasn't that bad, was it?"

"Well, uh, besides the fact that it's bleeding pretty bad, no, it wasn't. But i don't think ill be able to run for a whi-"


Coiny looked up in the air and saw Woody about to pounce right onto him with his claws extended. He hissed and glared at Coiny with hatred in his eyes. 

Coiny knew that he wouldn't be able to get out of the way in time. He screamed and braced for impact...

That's when he felt himself get pushed backwards, but not by Woody.

He has slammed his eyes shut, and kept them shut until he heard Pin gasp.

He opened them and saw Pin in his spot, and Woody pierced by her spike. Pin freaked out and tried to fling woody off of her, and succeeded, throwing his lifeless body on the ground. The blood from woody was running down the spike and onto the top of her head.

"...I- d- did i r-really just- do that?!"

Tha'ts when X came running over to them, covered in scratches and blood.

"O-oh my god Pin, THANK YOU!"

X hugged pin, getting blood all over her. She cringed and lightly pushed him away.

"So killing someone is good?!"

"They were infected, so of course it is!"

"B-but killing isn't right... i know i might not have liked him in BFDI but-"

"Pin, i know that it might seem bad, but if you hadn't of pushed me out of the way and killed him, i might have been infected!"

Pin turned around so see Coiny staring at her with a "thank you" look in his eyes.

"Well, i know but it was just so... sudden..."

"I know, i would have been surprised too. But it's over now. It's in the past. Now c'mon, if we don't want to deal with these guys anymore, we have to keep going. Your foot's ok right?"

"I... think so..."

Pin tried to stand up, but almost collapsed. Coiny and X noticed this and they both grabbed her arms, giving her support.

"Ok, maybe we can just walk for now..."


yes yall im taking a break from fireafy

knowing myself though, im probably gonna go right back to it in the next chapter, idk

and OH I JUST WANNA SAY almost 500 reads, i m p r e s s i v e

well, for me at least :p

Word Count: 868


(not my best work) Infection: A BFB FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now