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Flower was sitting down in her team area with Snowball, who all of a sudden stopped responding to everything going on around him. He just kinda went limp but... he was still breathing and still alive.

Flower tried to get his attention by waving her hand in his face, but Snowball didn't budge. Worried, she called out to her team and tried to tell them what happened.

"Yeah, he just kinda stopped moving. Im pretty sure hes still alive though, how weird."

"Foir will knoiow what to do! Hopefully..."

"No, Bubble, i don't think we need to bother Four for this. Maybe he just, uh, fell asleep with his eyes open?"

"When have you EVER seen that hoipen to anywoion, Ruby?"


"Exoictly! So we need to tell-"


Iance looked over at Flower, who was pointing at Snowball.

"I just saw him move, he twitched or something... wait hes doing it again!"

Snowball was indeed twitching, and he was doing it more and more every second. Bubble really didn't like looking at this kind of stuff.

"That's not noiormal! I told you, we need Foir!"

"Uhhh... ok uh, i think you're right. Go get him."

Bubble sprinted across the clearing trying to locate Four. He spotted then chatting with X, and as much as he hated having to break up their conversation, he didn't really have a choice.

"Foir! Soirry to interrupt, but we hoiave anoither proiblem with Snowboil!"

Four stopped his and X's conversation with a "sorry, hold on" and turned to face Bubble.

"What happened to him this time?"

"Hes noiot respoining to anything, and hes alsoio twitching a loiot! That's noiot noirmal, roight?"

"I don't think so. Wait here X, ill go see whats happening."

Bubble leaded Four over to their spot on the field. It took a while, but when they finally got there, Bubble was surprised to see that Snowball was gone, and her team members all had shocked expressions on their faces. Bubble wondered what could have possibly happened in the short amount of time she was gone, but once she looked at Flower, he questions were answered.

One of Flower's petals was ripped in half, and had blood outlining the ripped part. The red substance slowly started to drip off of it. Bubble could tell that Flower was trying her best not to scream and alert the rest of the contestants. Flower's eyes were filled with pain and tears as she whimpered. Ruby hugged Flower at a loss of words.

Even Fanny didn't seem to have taken this too well. She looked less scared than the rest of them, but still terrified nonetheless. Four looked less surprised and more curious on what could have happened to cause this.


"Sn...Snowball... he... i really don't know, it happened so fast..."

Fanny chimed in and tried to explain.

"I hate that couldn't really see it either, but i THINK Snowball all of a sudden sprung up and attacked Flower... as soon as he got a hit on her he ran into the forest. We couldn't do anything about it since he was so fast. I hate that he was fast!" Fanny felt a tear roll down her cheek. She didn't want to think about it...

Just then, Four felt their stomach sink.

So this was the bad thing.

"Well, im sorry Flower but, i can only recover people and not heal them... you're gonna have to stick with it."

"Stick with THIS huge cut?! I can't do that! It HURTS!"

"I know it does, but there's nothing we can do. You'll get used to it."

Flower looked down at the floor. A few moments of silence passed by before Four broke it.

"Well, i better be heading back n-"

Just then, an ear piercing scream erupted from somewhere on the other side of the field. It was followed by a loud hiss and even more screaming from what seemed to be other contestants. Four immediately went into action and ran as fast as he could over to where the scream was. Since he could run so fast, this only took about 2 seconds. He screeched to a halt in front of Gelatin being pinned down to the ground by... Snowball? No... this couldn't be Snowball... at least not the normal Snowball...


Gelatin struggled under the grasp of the crazed object above him. Snowball quickly bit onto the side of Gelatin and started ripping him open. Gelatin screeched in agony as Four acted quickly and shot bursts of lasers at Snowball. One of the lasers hit the side of his head. He let go of Gelatin, only to topple onto the ground and roll into a tree. He was stunned for a second before getting up and launching himself at Four in fury.


Gelatin remained on the ground, weak and has blood gushing like a river out the side of him. He was quickly losing blood, and there was nothing Four could do unless he actually died, which was probably going to happen soon.

Four kept dodging Snowball as he repeatedly tried to pounce on Four or at least get a scratch on him. He eventually landed a blow with his claws right next to Four's eye. Four flinched for a second, but resumed launching lasers. Snowball was dodging most, if not all of them with ease.

That's when Four heard a small laugh come from Gelatin. The laugh became louder every second.

Why would he be laughing in a situation like this?!

Four jumped as he realized exactly why. Gelatin sprung up and ran at Four, still laughing like a maniac.

No... hes turned into a...

Four had no clue how Gelatin- despite being controlled by the virus- was still alive considering that hes probably lost gallons of blood by now, and he was losing even more by suddenly getting up and running. But that doesn't matter, he has to focus on staying alive...

That would be a lot more easier if Lightning hadn't have showed up.

Lightning snuck up behind Four and zapped him while he was fully concentrated on attacking the others. This paralyzed Four, and there was nothing he could do except watch as Gelatin and Snowball jumped on him, scratching and biting him. He grew weaker and weaker, by this point he didn't even have enough energy to screech.

He felt blood pour out of his cuts and bites as his vision went dark... and the cold voice of Lightning rang in his ears.

"Don't worry... Your powers will be put to better use in your next life."


i came here just to tell you that i switched out fries for gelatin (yes gelatin was actually fries but i changed it since gelatin was in the thumbnail)


(not my best work) Infection: A BFB FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now