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For the first time in a while, Four finally felt refreshed from his rest. HE had enough energy to fire a laser up into the air as soon as he woke up... he wasn't feeling patient today. "WAKE UP. REMEMBER THAT YOU ALL HAVE EXACTLY THREE WEEKS BEFORE ANOTHER CHALLENGE."

Everyone immediately jumped up as soon as they opened their eyes. They didn't wanna deal with an impatient Four, but they kinda had to. And they ESPECIALLY didn't wanna deal with an UNHAPPY impatient Four. Leafy didn't mine Four's attitude though, she almost never does.

"Oooh! Three weeks, how exciting! I can't wait!"

As soon as Firey heard these words, he sat up.

"Uh, i appreciate the positive attitude... Leafy? Right? Yeah... but you do realize that means in three weeks one of us has to leave the game right?"

"Yeah i do, and that's the bad part, but think about the other GOOD parts! We get to help our team, work together, and build our friendships!"

"Aren't we building our friendships during the breaks too?"

"Well, yes, but..." Leafy couldn't think of anything else. "Just... uh, please stop trying to ruin my mood."

"Alright, whatever you say." Firey and the rest of his team went their separate ways.

"Uhhhg..." Snowball groaned as he sat up, he felt a lot weaker than usual. Bubble was the first to notice this.

"Snowboil! Are you ok?" 

Snowball could barely make out the shape of the object standing right in from of him because of his blurred vision. He actually felt a little scared... what happened?

It took a while, but Snowball's vision finally went back to normal. 

"N-no... im no-"

He stopped talking as soon as he saw Bubble staring at the top of his head, shocked.

"Bubble...? Is something wrong?"

"...I thoink... i thoink we shoid tell Foir aboit this. No toim to exploin, it's pretty bad."

Bubble suddenly grabbed Snowball's hands and yanked him off the ground, which startled Snowball. He really wanted to know what happened to him.

They finally reached Four. Four looked at Snowball, and before Bubble even said anything, she knew exactly what Four was thinking just by looking at his expression. Snowball was a bit nervous. Four then spoke up.

"...Snowball... did you wake up at all last night? Did you feel any pain while you slept? Anything at all?"

"No...? Can you just tell me what happened?"

"You uh... part of your head seems to have been ripped off. Im surprised you haven't been TOO effected by this. Is there any pain?"

"Yikes. Only a little bit, although I expected that it would hurt much more. Is there anything you can do?"

"Unless we kill you, no. Do you want to do that?"

"No. Nonononono. I can live with it."

"Alright then."

They both started to make their way back to the group.

"Are you shoir that you don't need to be recoivered?"

"Positive, Bubble. It's fine."

A few days passed, and the pain coming from Snowball's head started to become greater. He was constantly melting in the spot where the chunk was taken off, but he never asked for help because he didn't want people to think he was weak.

Blocky found Snowball one day sitting down and leaning up against a tree quite a distance away from the group. By this point, the little bite on his head had turned into a huge gap that spread from his forehead to halfway down his back. The rest of him was slowly starting to melt as he panted over and over.

"Good god dude, I really think you should do what Four said. Just uh, die somehow and then let him recover you. I know it sounds bad, sometimes im horrible at wording things."

"No, i-it's fine, i know what you mean-" He was cut off by a series of coughs.

"So are you gonna do it?" Blocky sat down next to him.

"I don't need to. Im fine." As soon as he finished the line, a small chunk of snow fell off his side and splattered on the ground.

"Yeah... THAT doesn't look ok."

"I told you, im FINE, it was just a small little piec-"

Another chunk of snow fell off of his side.

"Yeah.... sure."

"C-can you please just leave..."

"No, i can't. Im being deathly serious. Im worried about you, and we still don't even know what caused this. Im just trying to help you..."

He placed his hand on Snowball's.

Normally, Snowball would have pulled his hand away, but... he didn't this time. He kept it there and didn't even budge when he felt Blocky lean against him.

"Ok... i guess... ill think about it, Blocky."


i ship Blockball im sorry

to most people it's a really bad ship but idk man i kinda like it

actually is it Snowcky? Snowy? i have no clue tbh

anyway yeahhh part 4 woo hooooooo

yeah somethin bad's gonna happen to snowy but im pretty sure yall know that already


(not my best work) Infection: A BFB FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now