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X hid inside a bush, and peered through it. When he spotted Four, his soul was already given up to the the virus. X cringed at all the blood pouring his friend's cuts. He felt tears fill his eyes. He covered his mouth and turned away; he didn't want to see any more of it.

Some of the contestants ran further into the forest than others, two of these being Leafy and Firey.



Leafy didn't look where she was going and ran right into a tree. Firey heard it and immediately turned around. He saw leafy laying at the base of the same tree, holding her face.


"OH- oh man Leafy, did you run into the tree? Oh i shoulda slowed down, you were right..."

"No, it's ok! it doesn't hurt THAT much"

"You sure?"

"Yeah! and beside, I think we're far enough into the forest. We should take a break."

"Alright." Firey sat next to Leafy and held her hand. Leafy jumped at this action. She felt her face heat up.

"Oh, sorry, i was just worried... do you not want me to-"

"N-no! Go ahead!"

They both leaned up against the tree and started talking again.

"So uh, from what i can pick up, Snowball went crazy and started attacking Gelatin, but why? That's the part i don't know."

"Im sure Four protected Gelatin, he should be calling us back any minute now!"

"Let's hope."

Four's limp body lied in the field for what seemed like hours until finally the virus started to kick in. All of the people in the exit were also quickly infected with the virus, and the classroom turned into a war zone. Four's whole body began to twitch for a second before he shot up, blood pouring from his eyes.

"Ah, you're finally awake..." 

Four slower turned his head to face non other than Lightning.

"Im sure you know what to do with those zappy powers. Run into the forest. Go crazy. Zap everyone you see and infect them like the good little number you are."

A wild grin spread across Fours face as he laughed maniacally and began running to the forest.

"Snowball, Gelatin, do you mind joining him?"

Snowball and Gelatin both let out a growl and began chasing after Four. Lightning, however, stayed back and watched as they ran into the forest, and then floated away into the sky once he heard the first zap.



Firey and Leafy found themselves running through the forest yet again, stumbling over roots and rocks coming up through the ground. As they ran, they could hear the nonstop hisses zaps getting quieter and quieter.

They managed to run all the way out of the forest and onto the other side, only to be greeted with a lake that Firey almost ran straight into.

Firey let out a loud scream and tried to stop himself from falling into said lake, and Leafy pulled on his arm as hard as she could. He stopped a few feet in front of it. He backed up and collapsed on the ground, shaking and breathing hard. He looked around and noticed other people were here. Pin, Lollipop, Coiny, and X to name a few.

Leafy put a hand on Firey's back. She could see that he was starting to sweat beads of lava.

"Are you alright there?"

Firey, barely able to respond, was able to choke out "Not really."

Leafy sat with Firey once again, comforting him. Firey finally cooled down a bit and spoke up.

"I think i know what those sounds were. They sounded like the laser beams that came from Four. I also heard a small bit of laughter that also sounded like him... and screams. Lots of screams. Connect the dots."

Leafy connected them alright, and very quickly too.

"So four started attacking people?"


"Well, we cant just sit here! Hes probably killed a bunch of people already!"

Just then, a huge crash came from the forest, making Firey and Leafy jump. When they looked back, they could see a bunch of contestants racing through the trees. Once they came out the side of the forest they were on, they stopped.

Firey heard a bunch of them talking, and also heard a voice that sounded kind of like Golf Ball's say something like "PEOPLE! If we want to escape, we'll have to swim across!"

Just mentioning swimming made Firey cringe.

He then saw the whole group move toward the water, and they all took turns swimming across.

Leafy looked at the group with worry. "Do you think we should do the same?"

Firey scowled at her and was about to say something, but was cut off by her.

"Oh yes, i know you cant swim but maybe you could uh... stand on my head or something?"

"...I guess that might work but... just make sure i dont fall ok?"


Leafy hopped into the lake with Firey standing on her head. She felt like she was going to sink any second with the extra weight on her.

Alas, they made it to the other side, safe and sound. The big group split up a little, and different people went into different parts of a different forest that was on the new side. Firey and Leafy, of course, stuck together.

"Should we just run straight into the forest and hope we end up somewhere?"

"Uh... sure."

Hours passed and they just kept running deeper into the forest, hoping to find the other side. But they never did. Just more and more and more trees. It was night, and it was more quiet than they thought it would be.

"Firey we're... not finding... anything..." she said in between breaths.

"Yeah it's night... we should just rest..."

They propped themselves up against a tree, both of them extremely tired. Firey's heat kept Leafy warm... but she wished she could just... get a little closer to him...

Then, as if Firey read her mind, rolled over and wrapped his arms around Leafy, holding her close. Firey softly smiled at her, as if he knew this is what she wanted.

Leafy's face immediately started to heat up as she looked up at his face. She also wrapped her arms around Firey. After a second, their gaze met, and Leafy, by this point, was blushing harder than she ever has in her life. As they stared into each other's eyes, a wave of warmth flowed over them, and no, it wasn't from Firey's heat. They stayed there for a few seconds before Leafy pulled her eyes away and put her face against Firey's chest. Firey continued to hold her and they both quickly drifted off to sleep.



....(cough) i mean
yaaaaay fireafy woooo

i have more plans for fireafy in this book, so just you wait fireafy fangirls >:DDDD

and good god, 1147 words, i think this is the longest chapter yet :DDDDD


(not my best work) Infection: A BFB FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now