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Puffball flew between trees and over hills under the bright sun. It had been a couple days since she and the other flying contestants had been sent out to find the last two survivors, Firey and Leafy. She flew for so long and so far that she thought it was impossible that she hadn't spotted them by now. But then she remembered something... 

She gasped and turned around, heading for a specific area. This area was one no-one knew about except her. She found it while she was exploring one day. Maybe they'll be there hiding!

It had been 4 days, and Lightning continued to wait for any of the contestants he sent out to come back. Surely Firey and Leafy shouldn't be that hard to find? They couldn't have gone that far.

Lightning, Four, and the rest of the contestants were starting to run out of patience by this point. a week had passed, and there was still no sign of them. Lightning was growing the most impatient. He thought about where they could possibly be, but his thoughts were cut off by the sound of a musical screech in the distance. He looked up to see Puffball floating towards him. As soon as she got to him, Lightning asked some questions.

"Did you find them?"

Puffball nodded.

"Are they far away?"

Puffball nodded again, and Lightning muttered a "dang it" before immediately asking another question.

"Can you lead us to them once i get everyone grouped together?"

She nodded once again and then growled, which meant "ill wait".

Lightning floated off to get everyone.



The expedition was on.

Lightning had managed to find every last one of them, and sent them to follow Pufball while he and Four followed close behind. They had even managed to find Coiny and Pin, considering they were infected pretty far away.

They cut through trees and fields, not even bothering to think about stopping when they got tired. They had to find them, and then finally their collection would be complete. Well, except for the ones that died. But that doesn't matter.

"This might take a while guys, but keep going! Don't stop and- ok why am i being somewhat supportive- JUST MOVE IT!"

As they all ran, Lightning estimated how long it would take to get to them. he guessed at least a couple hours, but that should be no problem. And once they actually got there, he knew that the two of them wouldn't be able to take of them down, especially with no weapons. Ok, well, Firey a fire and maybe he could burn some of them to a crisp, but they could just overwhelm him.

But other than that, again, no weapons.

There's no way they could loose...



short chapter is short

sorry im reaaaaally running out of motivation to do this book bUT I GOTTA FINISH IT FOR YOU GUYS WE'RE SO CLOSE TO THE ENNNNNNNNND

oh and school is really preventing me from going on wattpad so


oh laziness too


(not my best work) Infection: A BFB FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now