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Firey ran through the forest for what seemed like hours with Leafy resting in his arms. He was determined to find the other side of the forest, or at least a spot so far away from everything that there was no chance anything could find them. Then they could just wait until crisis is all over.

Firey finally came to a stop and collapsed next to a huge tree. He panted and set Leafy down. She was still out cold. He lied down next to her and tried to catch his breath. This part of the forest had less trees and more fields. Fields full of flowers. Huh, hes almost never seen flowers at the BFB grounds. Well, except Flower herself.

He lied there for a while, admiring the view, when he suddenly heard a small groan come from Leafy.


Leafy slowly opened her eyes, and then slammed them back shut once she saw how bright it was. "Oh... jeez, Firey? What happened?"

"You don't remember? Well, Four started chasing us-"

"Yeah, i remember that. But what happened after i jumped down from the branch?"

"Well, i noticed that you were really exhausted, so i picked you up and carried you out here. We're far away from Four and the rest by this point though so... we're safe."

"So... we're all alone out here? With no-one else around...?" Firey could see a grin spreading across her face.

"HEY, WOAH! Just because we're alone does not mean we have to go straight to the lovey dovey stuff!"

"Aw, c'mon!" She jokingly grabbed his hand. She could tell he was blushing.

"Oh ok, fine!" He yanked her onto her side and planted a kiss on her lips. He then pushed her back onto her back. She covered her mouth with her hands and blushed madly.

"Oh my, i was just kidding..."

"Well too bad!"

Lightning was getting ready for the old forest contestants to come crashing through the trees. Once he saw Eggy, he knew that the rest would come soon. He picked up Eggy and flung her to the other side. She crashed into the ground, giving her a small crack. Blocky, Grassy, and Fanny followed. 

 Lightning noticed that all of the contestants had one thing in common... dead, lifeless eyes. It also seemed like he was the only one who could actually talk anymore.

Was it because he was the first one infected?

He noticed that he got so caught up in his thoughts that there was a fairly large group of objects in front of him, waiting to be flung.

Once he snapped back to reality, he quickly took everyone and flung them as fast as he could. Once the group was gone, he looked back into the old forest. Nothing was moving. That means he must have gotten everyone.

He flew over the lake and above the new forest, watching all of the infected go different directions. He flew faster, trying to find Four to check up on him since he was the most powerful. 

Needless to say, he was very disappointed when he saw Four passed out cold on the ground. He noticed a bruise oh his stomach where Leafy kicked him.

He sighed and snapped his fingers together, immediately making the bruise on Four's stomach go away, and making him wake up.

Four growled loudly, and stopped as soon as he saw it was Lightning. Lightning grabbed Four and stood him up, then pointed at the trees. Four nodded and took off, once again on the hunt to find the two lovebirds. 

"Do you think that the infected will find us here?"

"They probably will, and that's the problem. While you were asleep, i really wanted to find the end of the forest and get out of here, but it seems like this place is just and endless void of trees."

"You can say that again."

"But it seems like this place is just an en-"

"I didn't mean it literally, ya goofball!"

"Alright, alright, sorry!"

They sat there and laughed together for the rest of the afternoon, not having to worry about anything coming after them. Once it turned night, they layed together under the stars.

Both of them eventually fell sleepy. They cuddled, holding each other close.

"Hey, Leafy?" Firey said in a whisper.


Firey embraced her in a hug.

"I love you."

"I... love you too..."



ok but for real i should probably lay off the fireafy for a while because it's been going on for like 3 chapters straight


Word Count: 746


(not my best work) Infection: A BFB FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now