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Zaps. Growling. Those were the only sounds that filled their ears as they ran deeper into the forest with these rabid creatures on their tails. They could hear the sound of Black Hole flinging infected towards them in an attempt for one to jump on them and stop them in their tracks.

They refused to look behind themselves and see how close they all were. The only thing that filled their minds was horror and panic, and the extremely desperate need to find their way out of this prison.

Coiny cradled Pin in his arms since she still couldn't run yet, and Firey and Leafy held hands as they ran. X stayed behind them, scratching and punching objects who got too close to the group. Like Coiny said before, X didn't like violence, but if it was to save his (and Four's) contestants, he really didn't have a choice.

X suddenly got overwhelmed by the amount of contestants he realized there were, and was growing weaker by the second. Soon enough, one of the infected tripped him, and the other four looked behind them.

"X!" They all shouted.

"Guys, GO! " X Said, while being furiously attack by around 6 contestants. "IT DOESN'T MATTER IF I DIE, IT'LL JUST BUY YOU GUYS SOME MORE TIME TO GET AWAY! YOUR LIVES ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN M-"

X suddenly got cut off by infected Flower, who ripped his eye out. X let out a blood-curdling screamed and kicked her away as blood poured from the socket, quickly flowing down his face and dripping onto the ground.

The four of them heard this scream and immediately looked away. They all cringed, and the girls were close to tears. As they ran, they heard more disturbing sounds coming from X. They all tried to cover their ears until eventually, they heard one of X's screams get cut off by a stomach-churning snap. This is what made Leafy start to sob quietly, and the rest of them were pretty close to doing the same.

They kept running until a spine-chilling voice almost turned them to stone.

"He was weak and had too many injuries anyway. He wouldn't have been any use to us at all... just a stupid little runt in a litter of healthy animals."

Firey could feel rage starting to stir inside of him. The need for revenge clouded his mind, as he could feel himself start to heat up.

Leafy felt the heat from him and squeezed his hand. She knew what he was thinking

"Firey.... you KNOW that's impossible."

The four of them kept running, trying to forget about X. But no matter how hard they tried, X's last scream and that snap kept replaying in their minds. It always sent chills up their spines.

They all knew that they had to be close to the end of the forest... right? They had been running for days, the end had to be near...

All four of them were tired, but they didn't care. They had to carry themselves as far as they could. Well, technically, one of them had to carry Pin too.

After a while, they noticed that the trees became smaller, and there were less of them too. They all thought that they were just entering another field, but as they kept running and finally entered the field, the noticed that there were no more trees to be seen at all.

Out of curiosity, they kept going. They never reached the other side.

Coiny realized what this meant.

"Guys, stop!" Firey and Leafy immediately collapsed, and Coiny put Pin down softly before sitting on the grass with all of them.

in an excited tone, he said to all of them, "Guys, the trees ended! Do you know what that means?"

Leafy shook her head. "Knowing this place, it's probably just another really big field."

"No, guys, i think we reached the end of the forest! 

"..You think?"

"Yeah! Why else would it explain why there isn't anymore trees?"

Leafy and Firey exchanged excited glances, and then the two layed down.



ok i totally lost inspiration and got EXTREMELY lazy towards the end so sorry about that

yay they finally made it out

but dont think this is the end just yet, i have a lot more planned

and a lot more fireafy planned too >:DDD



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(not my best work) Infection: A BFB FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now