Chapter 2

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Before we start, you need to know this!

Y/n = your name

L/n = last name

F/f =  favorite food

E/c = eye color

H/l = hair length 

H/c = hair color

H/t = home town

I opened the house. My new home. In Paris. I mean, I always lived I france, but now I get to live in the city of love which is super cool.

I stepped inside and looked around. My dad grinned at me as he came inside too.

"Isn't it great?!" Dad cheered. "Yeah! It's awesome!" I said to him. "Really!? Glad you think so kiddo! Your room will be upstairs!" He said. I nodded happily before I rushed upstairs to check out my new room.

The room was empty. It had a balcony and a big window. The window sill was big enough to sit on and watch out the window. I should get some pillows to go there.

Just then the moving van pulled up. This was going to be a long day of packing...

Time skip to when you are done packing!

I sighed. I was tired. I was finished with the basics of my room. Of course I had also helped my dad unpack other places in the house and we were mostly done.

I layed down on my bed and fell asleep...

Next day was time for school. 

I went downstairs and ate some breakfast.  I had f/f. Once I was done I went upstairs and picked out an outfit.

I went to my bathroom and brushed my hair and my teeth. I packed my backpack and then I went to school.

Once I got to school this girl ran past me. Which obviously mad me fell since I'm a super clutz. The girl that made me trip ran towards me again.

"Omg! I am so sorry girl! I didn't mean to! I just have a lot on my mind with the ladyblog and Ladybug gone and everything!" She said while she held out my hand for me to take. I took her hand and she helped me up. She had brown to red ombré hair and glasses.

"Hey! You're new, aren't you?" She asked once she helped me up. "Yeah! I am!" I said. "But what is the ladyblog? And why do you care about a ladybug being gone? Was it your pet?" I asked confused.

The girl looked at me like I was crazy. "You don't know who ladybug is!?" She yelled. "Ehm... no..." I said. "Well... let me fill you in. Ladybug is a superhero in Paris. Along with chat noir of course. She and Chat captures akumas! They are little black butterflies that hawkmoth send out! Hawkmoth is an evil villain! He looks for negative emotions and uses them to get Ladybug and Chat noir's miraculous's! The miraculous's gives them their power!" She finished. Wow... that is a lot...

"Oh... ok..." I said. "But lately... Ladybug hasn't been around... Chat noir has to fight the akumas himself! Then he has to... kill them... the butterflies..." The girl said. She looked sad thinking about it.

"Only ladybug could purify the akumas. Therefore he has to!" She said. "Wow... poor Chat Noir..." I said feeling sorry for him. "But what was that other thing? The ladyblog?" I asked. "Oh! The ladyblog is a blog I made for ladybug! And Chat noir..." The girl said. "You should check it out!" She said. 

"Yeah... okay..." I said and smiled. "Oh! By the way, I'm Alya!" Alya said. "Right! I'm y/n!" I said and smiled... Maybe I actually made a friend...

When class started Alya made me sit next to her. Apparently the girl that sat there before moved a week ago... Just about the same time ladybug disappeared... Weird...

"Hey Babe! Who is the new girl!" A guy in front of us said to Alya. He had glasses and a red cap. "Hey Nino! This magnificent new girl right here is Y/n! Y/n! This is Nino! My boyfriend! And next to him is Adrien!" Alya said. "Hey!" I said and smiled and waved.

"What up dudette!" Nino said. "Hello!" Adrien said. Just then the teacher walked in. "Okay everyone! We have a new student today! Y/n? Care to come and tell a bit about yourself?" She asked. I nodded and went to the front of the classroom.

"Hello! I am y/n l/n! I moved here just yesterday and I come from h/t!" I said. "Great! You can sit next to Alya." The teacher said and smiled. I nodded and sat next to Alya. Who smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up.

After a long day with school

I walked home and was just about to cross the road when the light went red. I stopped waited for the light to turn green. Just then a man who didn't seem to notice the red light walked over the road. Then a truck came. No one seemed to take action and help him off the road so I panicked. 

I ran out in the road and grabbed his arm. I dragged him back to the sidewalk just before the truck zoomed past. I panted and looked at the old man. "You okay sir?" I asked. "Yes, yes thank you you lady." Then the light went green. "Want help over sir?" I asked and held out my arm. He nodded and took it and I helped him over.

Once we were over he and I went our separate ways. "Have a good day sir!" I said and walked away. The man waved and then smiled and nodded in approval before walking away.

Once I got home I saw a note on the kitchen island. I picked it up and read it.

'Welcome back from your first day of school y/n!

Hope it went well! 

I'll come home from work late today so you have to make your own dinner.

There is food in the freezer! You can warm it up yourself!

Love dad (-:'

I smiled sadly at the note. Dad is at work too often for my liking. I know he does it for us though. He is a business man who owns a company so we have more than enough money. But I miss him when he is at work.

I went upstairs and was about to do some homework when I saw a bow on my desk. It was a black hexagon box with red designs on it. Maybe it was from dad? I opened it and a pink light flew out. 

Then a giant red bug popped up. 

"Hey y/n! Here is your brand new Miraculous!"

A new ladybug?! Chat noir/Adrien Agreste x readerWhere stories live. Discover now