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"EMERSON BARRETT KROPP, YOU BITCH, PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!" I shouted. Em was currently bounding up and down the rows of tour busses with me on his back, trying to wear himself out right after our set. 

"There is no way in hell I'm stopping!" He shouted back, his Monster slushing and spilling all over the place. 

We almost hit a few photographers, but they didn't seem to care. They were too invested in their cameras and Instagram.  

We got to the general area, and he finally put me down. No one really recognized us, which was good. 

A lady in a purple crop top and jeans stopped us with a sign. "Hello, are you guys interested in attending a Tei class? Palaye Royale's class starts in just 10 minutes, and-"

Emerson stopped her, a look of panic on his face. "Fuck. Jules, we gotta go. Now." He grabbed my hand and ran off, leaving the woman confused and disappointed. 

We raced backstage and made it to the class just in time. "Nice for you two to join us," Sebastian remarked, handing us both a microphone and pushing us in front of the small crowd of mostly girls sitting cross-legged on the ground. 

They all started clapping when we walked in front of them and sat down. 

"Hey, everyone!" Rem said, waiving. They all said hi.

"So, we wanted you all to formally meet Julianna, who's our new bass player." 

I waived. They all waived back. 

"We thought the best way to get to know her is to play a good ol-fashioned game of..." Seb reached behind him and pulled out my purse, "What's In Our Bass Player's Purse!" 

I could have killed him on the spot. 

"You shouldn't have..." I said. Everyone laughed. 

"Let's see!" Emerson grabbed the bag, but I took it instead.

"No-ho-ho way. I'll be doing that, thanks!" 

I reached in and pulled out my wallet. "Here, who wants a McDonalds Avengers ID?" I asked, and everyone raised their hands. I tossed it to them. 

Rem, who was sitting next to me, took an item next. "Who wants a compact mirror?" He threw it. 

After a few more items, I finally took back the bag. "I think that's enough for now. Why don't we have some questions?"

A few people raised their hands. A girl towards the back had her hand up, and I chose her. 

"What's your name, love?" I asked her. 


"That's such a nice name! What's your question for us, Angel?"

"Well," she said, looking at the people next to her, who must be her friends, "We actually had a question for you and Remington, if that's alright."

"Sure thing," Rem piped up. 

"Are you two actually, like a thing?" She asked hesitantly. "If you don't want to answer, that's fine, but we-" 

"It's fine!" he reassured them. "And yes, we are." He rested his hand on mine. 

I immediately felt better about myself. It made me feel good to know that people were okay with me being in the band. 

I've never felt so alive. 

A/N Hello loves! Have you ever been to a Warped Tour Tei class? If so, what band and what date? I almost went to Parx's class, but I was a few bucks short so they wouldn't let me in. Have a great day!

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