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I clutched my bass and hopped up and down on the side of the stage, which helped me calm down a little bit. I remembered the crowd from the day before. They loved it when I kind of let loose and got a bit spunky. I know this crowd gets excited easily, so I could do basically anything and they would love it. 

Emerson  bounded up the short set of stairs, sat down at his drum set and started thumping a little bit on his bass drum. 

Remington smiled at me. "You ready?"

"As I'll ever be."

Sebastian motioned for me to go on stage, but before I did, Rem gave me a kiss on the cheek and said, "Good luck, love," before he bounded on. I grinned and followed. 

I went through Don't Feel Quite Right without a problem, and I even jumped off of Emerson's drumset. Well, I stood on the bass drum, and he swatted at my ankle a little, so I didn't have a choice. I could have done a flip if I wasn't in a skirt and wasn't holding a $300 bass. 

Right before our cover of Teenagers, Rem stopped the show for a second. Sebastian and Emerson gave each other a look. Something was up. 

"Before we get into this next song, I'd like to introduce my very very good friend, Ms. Julianna Simmons!" Applause swept through the crowd. I facepalmed. 

"Now, let me get to my point so we don't get kicked off the stage before we get to play our last song. I have a question to ask this lovely lady, and I wanted you all to be a part of it." He walked over to where I was waiting for my bass to be ready for the next song. 

"Julianna, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" 

I almost puked from pure shock on the spot. That smooth motherfucker.

"I-Rem-" Before I could finish, he put the mic to my mouth, grinning like a madman. How could I say no?


In an instant, he swooped me up and kissed me. The crowd erupted into cheers and shouts, maybe a few sobs, but I tuned it all out. Right now, I just wanted to focus on the hell of a boyfriend I had just scored. 

He put me down and held up my hand like I had just won a boxing match. A lot of the crowd had their phones out, documenting the moment, but most of them were applauding and cheering for us. 

I was handed my bass, and Teenagers started, which was a crowd favorite. 

I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the set. 

A/N Yo yo yo! What did you think? Were you surprised? I'm pretty sure that most of you saw it coming as it was kind of obvious, which I apologize for. Do you guys want me to start writing other books along with this one? Comment below your suggestion! Have a great day, loves!

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